Meteorite (Harry Styles) BOOK 3

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(book 3 of 'Superhero Series') I always thought I had everything figured out. You were born. You grew up. You lived your life and you enjoyed every second of it. While living your life you learn to love with your heart and to see the good in people.

But there was one thing about life I seemed to have forgotten... the fun thing about life is that when you think you got it all figured out, something comes along and turns everything upside down. And that is exactly what happened to me.

I have seen unbelievable things. Things that shouldn't be possible and that should only exist in one's imagination. Yet it is real. It's all too real. And there's no going back anymore.

I don't know if I'm ready for this life. I don't even know why those powers chose me out of all people... it just doesn't add up.

But as long as I got my friends by my side, I believe I will be alright.

My name is Harry Styles. Member of One Direction and The Five. And this is the story that changed my entire life.

Meteorite (Harry Styles) BOOK 3Where stories live. Discover now