Christmas Special - My Redeemer

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For God so loved the world,

That He gave His one and only Son

That whoever believes in Him,

Shall not perish but have eternal life.

That is God's love,

For someone as low as me.

A sinner, slave to sin,

Not worthy of redemption,

Or entry into heaven, even a word from God.

Two-thousand years ago in quiet Nazareth,

A hope was born in the home of young Mary,

An angel says, "to you who are highly favoured"

"The Lord is with you".

His passion abounds even in our tainted hearts.

How can we receive His love from One way up high?

By the grace that prevails,

He gave His son in Bethlehem, in a humble manger,

For us to receive redemption and purpose to live.

I stumble and fall to sin,

Dirtied and bruised from all my deeds.

The enemy has overcome me and dealt me a stumbling blow.

I can barely lift my head to the sky,

To whom or what do I look forward to?

The Lord says,

"I will never leave you nor forsake you",

"Do not be afraid or terrified because of them",

"Be strong and courageous!"

Here He is! To lift me up,

From the murky grave, and the dirty pit.

He has washed me anew, and cleansed me whole,

Here in my heart my saviour stands.

That hope on Christmas Day,

Has preceded till today,

To celebrate the One who rescued me,

From dying to sin and living to shame.

My heart has hope, my mouth has joy,

To sing the praises of my King.

A king who has been born on this day,

To change the world and save it from all shame.

That is Jesus, my Lord and Saviour!

Now that His legacy in the faith lives on,

I have decided to follow Him all the days of my life,

When I walk in the shadow of death,

Whom shall I fear?

He will come once again, in splendour and awe,

I want to see my Guide, my Strong Tower,

In whom I stand is my Redeemer.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2013 ⏰

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