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How could I let my feelings take over the place? How could I let this pass? Never I would have thought I would someday be confronted in this kind of horrible situations. Well, there's worse than my case in life, I shouldn't be complaining.

But it was almost worse than everything I could possibly imagine at this very moment. I couldn't describe this feeling of weakness and guilt. Yes, that was the word. I was feeling nothing but guilty right now. I was feeling alone, but literally I'm not, since this day, even if mentally I completely felt lonely.

Because of this damn shit that appeared in my life. I made everything for him to love me. Don't worry, I wasn't doing that by intention. But was if he couldn't love?

If a murderer was scratched to your ass every damn day, if he was obsessed with your habits and the things you daily do and even nightly, (well, maybe not nightly because that would mean he's there when you sleep. Wait.. what if he was actually really there when you sleep?) if he was trying to find every possible excuses to see you more? That would be creepy, don't you think?

That's what I think. Every fucking day of my life becomes a deeper hell everyday.

All I want is answers and I also want someone to tell me where all this story is going to lead us.


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