"Well?" She questioned when she saw me. "How'd it go?"

I totally ignored her questions.

"Call Andy and tell him to come here right away. I need to speak with him." I stated firmly.

"Of course sweetie, I'll be right back." She smiled sympathetically before waddling off.

I banged my head on the desk and tugged on my hair nervously.

I blinked away the tears that had once again came to my eyes as I bit my lip.

Nothing that I did could distract myself from the fact that she's gone.

When I found this Andy I would get every last piece of information out of him and then I would find Jen and bring her back.

I reassured myself in my head as Mrs. Josie walked back into the room.

"He's on his way sweetheart." She stayed silent for a minute before speaking up once again.

"Do you want something to eat or drink? Maybe a tea and cookies?" She asked, a sympathetic look plastered on her face.

"No thank you." I said, trying my best not to be harsh.

All I needed was to have my beautiful girlfriend wrapped in my arms.

Suddenly, that all familiar bell rang at the door.

I looked up quickly to find who I assumed to be 'Andy'.

He was young, and pretty buff, but I could take him in a fight any day.

His hair was short and red, gentle curls sweeping throughout.

I looked him up and down, wondering to myself if Jen thought he was attractive but suddenly I was interrupted.

Mrs. Josie waddled over to me, her hand linked with his.

"Harold, this is Andy. I think he has some information that we could use." She became stern looking between Andy and I.

"Good. Is there somewhere we could talk?" I asked, looking around for a quieter place.

She shook her head disappointedly. "No, I'm sorry. This is as good as it gets."

"That's alright, thank you Mrs. Josie." I faked a smile at her.

Then, turning to the boy, I spoke again. "Have a seat, will you?"

He looked very scared and confused, like a lost puppy. But he still listened to me and sat down in front of me.

"Who are you? And why am I here?" He asked, eyes wide.

I could tell he was the type of guy that was always joking around and seeing him like this was unusual, and very rare.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Harry." I said, sticking out my hand. "Jennifer's boyfriend." I narrowed my eyes at him, threateningly.

I rolled my eyes. I didn't have time for this introduction nonsense.

His eyes widened. "Oh, she's a very lovely girl, Jen."

"I know." I bit back.

He whimpered. "Why am I here Harry?"

His features looked very soft and boyish. I could tell he was no older than 18.

I sighed. "Jen. She uh, she was kidnapped."

His eyes immediately grew more. "W-who did i-it?" He managed to spit out.

"We don't know." I said, turning away. "That's why you're here."

"Me? But I don't know anything!!! I'm innocent if that's what you're thinking." He squealed.

"No. You are here because I need to ask you some questions about Jen, not to accuse you." I stated dryly.

"Oh." He whispered.

"So, are you ready?" I asked, wanting him to be emotionally stable in order to answer my questions.

"Shoot." He said quietly, looking down.

"Alright. You are Jen's work partner, correct?" I asked.

"Yes sir." He answered even quieter than before.

"Is there anyone that dislikes her here?" I asked painfully. Just the thought of someone hating such a sweet girl kills me inside.

Andy pondered for a minute. "Nope. Not that I've heard."

I cursed under my breath. Great, no alibis.

"Alright, have you noticed anything strange about her lately?" I asked next.

"Hmmm." He thought out loud. "Not really, nothing unusual."

Another failure.

I asked him a few more questions and got similar answers.

We were getting no where.

After a good half hour, I decided to let the poor kid go.

"Is there any information at all about her that you would like to share with me?" I asked, my last chance.

"No sir."

"Well Andy, thank you for coming. If we find her, I'll give you a shout." I said disappointedly, while motioning to the door.

I watched him get up and turn around, walking towards the door.

But when he got to the doorway, he stopped.

I heard him sigh before turning back around to face me.

"Well, there is one thing that I haven't told you.." He whispered.

I raised my eyebrow. "Yes?" I asked expectantly.

"Well, last week a strange man came into the restaurant. When Jen saw him, she came and hid in here until he left. But when I asked her about it, she wouldn't tell me anything." He shrugged.

But at that moment, an alarm went off in my brain.

Without another word, I got up, racing out the door.


Hey guys! Merry Christmas! Well it's only Christmas Eve but whatever;)

So... I've been really trying to write more lately and we are coming close to the end of the story. I'll miss writing it but so much pressure will be relieved for me:D

Anyways, enough of the rant,

QOTD: What's your favourite song on Midnight Memories?

Mine are: strong, little white lies, half a heart and midnight memories:)

Oh yeah and of course a huge shout out and happy birthday to none other than Mr. Louis Tomlinson❤😘😍❤

Please keep reading, recommending, sharing, commenting and voting for this fanfic. I love you all❤Merry Christmas loves😘


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