Is it the baby?

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I couldn't believe how tired I was. Being a new mother definitely had its downsides, but I couldn't be more happier knowing that my beautiful baby girl was here with her daddy and I. "Jacob! Can you please bring me Eva's bottle!" I yelled out to my husband not to loudly. I had Eva in my arms and she was starting to become fussy. I could tell she was hungry. "Okay just a minute!" He yelled out. In just a few seconds, my husband walked into the room with Eva's bottle. I was lucky to have him. We're highschool sweethearts so we've been together for a long time, almost 10 years. He's my best friend. "How about I feed her and you take a break Lauren. I can tell that you're tired." I smiled and rose from the rocking chair. I handed Eva over to him ever so gently. "Alright, feed her fast. I'd like it to be as quiet as possible." I said. "Trust me I will." Replied Jacob. "I haven't been getting much sleep lately because of how much she cries all night." He said as he yawned. "You're telling me??" I asked while smiling.
I went to the bathroom and turned on the hot water in the bathtub. I waited for the water to rise until it was high enough and took off my clothes. "I hope these stretch marks go away." I say to myself while looking in the mirror. I dipped one toe to check if the temperature was right then eventually got in the tub and sat down. The water felt so damn good to me. "This is paradise." I whisper to myself. "I'm stepping out to get more formula!" I hear Jacob say. "Alright! Bring me a Kit Kat please!" I yell. I reach over to the bathroom counter and turn on the baby monitor. I then lay down in the tub and let the warmth engulf me.

Waah! Waah! Waah!

I can hear the loud crying of a baby on the monitor. I suck my teeth realizing that I have to leave the warmth of the tub. I get out and put on my robe, and go down to Eva's room. I open the door. "Alright what's wro-" I look into Eva's crib and realize that she isn't crying. I guess it was nothing. I hurry up and go back into the bathtub before the water gets cold. I lay down and sigh. Then I hear it again.

Waah! Waah! Waah!

"What in the world!" I yell. I get up again and pull out the drain so the water can go down. I'm not gonna be able to enjoy a bath tonight. I put on my robe and go to Eva's room. I look into her crib and realize she isn't crying again. "Why does this keep happening?" I whisper. This isn't the first time this has happened. There's been times where we'll hear a baby crying on the monitor, but when we check on Eva, she's not crying. We just assumed she was crying but then suddenly stopped. I picked up Eva in my arms and sat in the rocking chair in the corner of her room. I stared into her big brown eyes, just like her fathers. "Your so beautiful." I say to her. She just smiles. After about 15 minutes of cuddling with her, I put her back into the crib. A few moments later, she closes her eyes and falls asleep. I smile and turn off her lamp. I then go into my husband and I's bedroom. Going through my dresser, I realize that I have mostly maternal clothes. "I need to go shopping.." I say to myself. I then hear a voice say, "I'm back!" It's Jacob. I throw on a tank top and sweats, then go downstairs to the kitchen. I see Jacob putting the formula into the cabinet. "Did ya get it?" I ask. "Yup." He says while handing me a Kit Kat. "Thanks you babe." I kiss him on the cheek and tear the candy bar open. It's gone in less then a minute. "I thought those cravings were suppose to stop?" He says smirking. "They're not cravings. I just love Kit Kats." I say while shrugging. "Okay I'm getting to bed. I'm pooped." Jacob says while yawning. "Okay goodnight." I kissed him and pats his shoulder. He goes upstairs and I go into the living room. I sit on the couch and turn on the tv. After flipping through the channels, I realize there's nothing interesting on. I then go upstairs into the bedroom. I smile after seeing Jacob sleeping. I slide into bed and close my eyes.

Waaah Waah Waaah

"Can you check on her?" I ask Jacob. "Alright" he says. He gets up and leaves the room. Shortly after, he comes back and gets into bed. "Well?" I ask. "She's not even crying." He says with a perplexed tone.


The sound was so loud, we both jerked up into a sitting position at the same time. Jacob reached under the bed and grabbed the baseball bat I case there were intruders. "The sound sounded like it came downstairs." He says with wide eyes. We then heard a small baby cry. It must've been Eva. But if that was Eva.... Who made that loud crying sound?? That question was going through my mind a million miles per hour. "I'll go downstairs and you check on Eva. Can you do that?" He asked me. I nodded and we both got up and went to our bedroom door. Jacob put his finger his mouth for me to be more quiet and I nodded. He then poked his head out and and tip toed to the stair case. He pointed to Eva's room and nodded at me. I went to Eva's room as fast as I can and walked up to her crib. She was crying but was okay. I picked her up and rocked her back and fourth. "It's okay baby. It's okay." I then heard Jacob scream a scream that could curdle blood. I looked toward the door and back at Eva. Should I leave her here? Or bring her with me? I decided to bring her with me. Better then leaving her alone. With my baby in my arms, I tip toes to the top of the stairs. I peeked down but sucked my teeth. It was too dark to see and the light switch was at the bottom of the stairs. I went down each step quietly, still clutching Eva to my chest. At that moment I was glad she stopped crying. "Jacob?" I called out, not too loudly. There was no answer. I continued down the stairs until I reached the bottom. I stepped down and almost slid. I hung onto the stair railing with one hand and onto Eva in the other to regain my balance. I turned on the light switch and almost screamed. I held it in so Eva wouldn't cry. There was blood. Blood coated the wooden floor in a stream. I followed it and covered my mouth trying to suppress the tears, but to no avail. There in the corner was what I assume was my husbands body. I say assume because his body was brutalized. I could hardly recognize him. I put Eva up to my chest so she wouldn't see this horrible sight. "I've got to call the police." I thought I was thinking it, but the words came out. I ran upstairs to get my cellphone but then heard it again.


The sound scared me to death. It didn't sound like a baby anymore. More like a demon. I was almost at the top of the stairs when I felt someone.....or something behind me. I turned around and my eyes near popped out of their sockets. It was a demon, or at least I think it was. It was dark green and had long horns coming out of its forehead. It's hands and feet were like hooves and its eyes were the brightest red I've ever seen. I could hear Eva's soft crying coming from my arms. It then opened its mouth full of fangs and out came the demonic version of the voice I thought was my baby this entire time, "Momma.."

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