Is it the pipes?

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"Welp. There's no saving those pipes Ms. Perkins." The plumber shined his flashlight at me as he came up from the dark basement. I flinched. "Oh, sorry", he said as he turned it off. "To sum it up, the pipes going through the whole house are just old. You need new ones." I sighed. Although I was happy that I inherited this house from my grandparents, I still wished they'd at least renovated it. "Unless you want to keep hearing those pipes all night, I suggest you get new ones real soon." He said with raised eyebrows. " much do you charge?" I said with a defeated tone.
"I cannot believe I just spent $6,000." I mumbled to myself after closing the door. I stared into the old-fashioned home. I had a lot of memories in this house. My grandmother and grandfather lived in this house for as long as I could remember, so when I learned that they left me it, I was ecstatic. I looked at the digital clock on the coffee table. It read 9:23 pm. I should start getting ready to get to bed. I climbed the dark wooden stairs to the second floor of the house while yawning. Walking into the bathroom, I stripped and turned on the water. "Steaming hot. Exactly how I like it." I said to myself. I climbed into the tub and enjoyed the hot water. 30 minutes later, I grabbed my towel and looked into the mirror. It wasn't my reflection I was looking at, but rather a fog from the steam of the shower. I couldn't help but to smile at it. Growing up, while my grandmother showered, I'd write messages on the mirror. When she would get out, she'd write me a message, and when I went back into the bathroom, we'd wipe the mirror together. I held up my finger and wrote Hi Grandma on the mirror. I then exited the bathroom and shut the door behind me.
After I got dressed, I picked out what I'd wear to work tomorrow. I then got into bed and pulled the comforter up to my neck. I reached over, and turned off the lamp next to me. I looked into the darkness and sighed. I wished I had someone to share this bed with me. Someone to hold me. Someone to keep me safe. I chuckled.


The sound almost scared the living hell out of me. I looked around and sighed. The pipes had been making that annoying sound ever since I'd moved into this house.


I then jerked up. I didn't know if I was hearing things or not but the sound sounded....louder. I turned on the lamp and went downstairs to silence the fear inside of me. I opened the basement door and heard it again.


I laughed. "I'm just scaring myself." I said. Closing the door, I went back upstairs into the bathroom. I splashed some cold water on my face and looked into the mirror. I looked at the still eminent message I wrote. I smiled and looked beneath it. Then I frowned. My eyes opened so wide, I thought my eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. Right there beneath my message, it said, "Hello princess". I didn't know whether to feel happy or terrified. I turned off the light and shut the door. I then went into my bedroom, went into bed, and turned off the lamp. "I think I'm just going crazy". I whispered to myself.

Errrrgggg Errrrrgggg

The sound was so loud I hurt my back sitting up. I looked around in my room. Looking into the darkness, I saw something in the corner of my eye. There's someone. A person was standing there. At least I thought it was a person. "Who are you?! Get out of here!!" I turned around to turn on the lamp and turned back around toward the figure only to realize it was gone.


I turned toward the door, jumped out the bed, and stepped into the hallway. That one came from downstairs. I walked up to the basement door. I can't explain how terrified I was. I opened the door and looked down. I reached my hand up and felt the string coming down and pulled. That's when Id just remembered I never put a new light bulb into there. "Hello! Is anyone there?" I asked. After waiting for a response I probably wasn't going to get, I sighed and closed the basement door. I turned around and instantly crashed into someone's body. I was too frightened to look up or backup. The person was breathing heavily, almost like they were gasping for air. The person was so tall, my face only met with their thighs. I'm guessing they were hunched over because the ceiling wasn't too high. Their body was so cold I felt I was touching the inside of a freezer.


   The noise bellowed out from behind me, only this time, the noise was right in my ear. I turned around and stood face to face with what I presume was a human. His face was disfigured and he smiled a Cheshire cat smile. I turned around getting ready to run when I saw the face of the tall creature I'd walked into. His face looked similar, only there was no smile. Just a hole where his mouth should've been. I screamed and they both put their hands over my mouth. In unison, they made the sound I thought the pipes were making this whole time.


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