Only Mission

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Watching and waiting were not very high on Jack Dalton's list of strong points. He wasn't very patient and his entire life was about action, so when his job called, he answered.

He'd met MacGyver in Afghanistan while Mac was working a case on this bomber called "Ghost". The Ghost had killed a man named Alfred Peña and they where afraid MacGyver could be next. That was where Jack came in.

Jack was to keep MacGyver from anything that could keep him from doing his job.

After they'd finished their mission, that job continued. Especially a few years later when Mac had been kidnapped from the middle of the field, right out from under Jack's nose.

They'd managed to find him and get him back, but Mac had four cracked rids, a sprained wrist, and his leg was broken in two different places. Along side those wounds where a couple burn marks, on his upper thigh, along the bottom line of his palms, over the bridge of his nose, it was nearly too much to handle.

Jack stayed with Mac in the hospital until the kid woke up. "Jack?"

The older man's head snapped up. "Mac! Are you alright?" He asked, leaning over from where he sat in a (very uncomfortable) chair.

"I'm sore, but okay. What happened?" The blonde asked, attempting to sir up.

"Woah, easy there, Mac. You where tortured for information by the Gray-49 terrorist group. We rescued you and you're in the hospital. You injuries where severe, you'll be off your feet for a while." Jack put a hand on Mac's shoulder and the blue eyed teen stilled, allowing Jack to push him back to the bed.

Jack smiled at the trust Mac had showed him, places in him. "Go back to sleep, kid. You'll feel better when you wake up."

"Sleep. That sounds so much better than living." Mac mumbled, blue eyes slipping closed.

Jack chuckled softly as Mac went back to dreaming.

His mission was never over, but at least now, Mac was safe.

His only mission was to protect MacGyver. And he would not fail.

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