ChapterFour~•~ HateBeingUpsideDown

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Chapter Four ~•~ Hate Being UpSide Down
Galaxy Girl's P.O.V.


"Where is everyone?" Max asked as we made our way in the amusement park.

"Mostly trapped on Mount Neverrest." Sharky replied.

"By Mr. Electric." I finished.

"But Planet Drool's a place for kids
to dream and have endless fun!" Max continued the conversation.

"It's endless fun, all right." I scoffed.

"Once you get on... you can't get off." SharkBoy started.

"Kids aren't allowed to rest, 'cause if they rest, they sleep, and if they sleep, they dream." LavaGirl says.

"It takes power away from Mr. Electric." Sharky says quickly to get over the conversation.

I smirked, while looking at the kids stuck on the rollercoaster.

"But we're gonna stop him with our secret weapon." I said still smirking.

"Shouldn't we save those kids first?" Max questioned. As I groaned and rolled my eyes. Sharky shook his head and dragged me over towards the roallercaoster.

As we got there we flew up the tracks of the coaster till we got to the kids that were stuck.

"LavaGirl! GalaxyGirl! Hooray!" The kids yell as me and LavaGirl gave each other a nod as we started to burn the cart and the track to make it stop, with the help of SharkBoy pulling it from behind.

"Who knows where Mr. Electric is hiding?" LavaGirl asked all the kids.

"Everyone?" I said confused when all the kids hands were up.

"They're not raising their hands.

ou're all upside down." Max says suddenly popping beside me on the ladder.

"Who is stopping my unstoppable coasters?" Mr. Electric says through the speakers.

"Back in your seats!" He yells.

"Go! Run! Hide!" Me and LavaGirl Yelled as I growled at a couple of them that didn't move at all. Which stopped when Sharky took my hand in his. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile which he returned.

"Let's get outta here!" Some kid yelled when I glared at them.

"Everyone back in your seats!" Mr. Electric says still yelling through the speakers to the kids that we helped escape.

"Who's Mr. Electric?" Max questioned. Which made me roll my eyes as I sat in the cart beside Max not in the mood to be a show off like Sharky and LavaGirl.

"He's supposed to provide light to the planet, but all he brings now is darkness." Sharky explains to Max.

"Fun has begun!" Mr. Electric yells as the cart tightens Max and I in and starts to move faster and faster.

"He's taking us up!" Sharky screamed when the rollercoaster gets faster.

"My home! At half its normal power." LavaGirl Yells and points at the volcano when we are all the way up to a lookout point.

"Wow, look at all yhe stars arent they beautiful." I yell pointing at all the stars that were scattered all around the sky above us. In the corner of my eye I saw Sharky glanced at me and had a little smile on his face. Which made me blush a bit form his glance.

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