12 weeks

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12 weeks down still nothing stays down. Feeling more and more home sick every day. I miss Sumter!

Im missing familiarity to my surroundings. Ya know like my own family my dog even doctors.

Your dad doesnt want to go to Sumter so we made an agreement to go ocala. That way ill be 30minutes away instead of an hour and half away.

Oh baby baby im so tired of feeling sick and tired and depressed. Im so ready for my second trimester all ready. Ready for the energy to be able to hold down food.

Trying to find a doctor is so hard. Moatly cause i dont want to go to a doctors alone. Lol miss going with my mom to honest. I dont like answering the questions. Your dad got the answering the questions down pact now when he goes with me or else nothing gets done.

Debating to go to the er again. Only one place takes our insurance till december. So we have to stick with shands:( boo. But all i do is worry about you little one.

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