Chapter twentysix-

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‘I’m so sorry,’ mum said picking me up and sitting me on her lap.

‘I hate him! I never want to see him ever! He’s a dead man,’ I cried and buried my head into her chest.

The next day she tried to talk to me about it a little bit more but I refused to say anything about the matter it was settled, my dad was dead.


I walked out the room and bumped into Ty’s dad. He almost knocked me over but he caught me as I was losing me balance.

‘Watch where you going,’ he smirked at me. I frowned at him and walked off.

‘Just like your mother,’ he said making me stop which he took that as an opportunity to carry on talking.

‘She never really liked me, it must run in your blood but you see me and your father were best friends,’ he said. I turned around to face him and he was looking right at me. He said my father, I didn’t have a father!

 ‘I don’t have a father,’ I snapped at him and his face lit up.

‘Oh really, did your mum teach you that,’ he said with an amused tone.

‘No I taught myself that,’ I said.

‘Alright go home right now and you’ll see,’ he said smugly and walked into the toilet leaving me standing there in a gaze. What did he mean by ‘go home now and you’ll see’?

I put on some shoes and walked out of the house. I walked over to my mum’s house and from outside I could hear screaming and crying. My heart pounded in my chest as I brought my hands to the door and knocked on it. The noise suddenly stopped and a few seconds later the door was opened by a teary eyed mum. She looked shocked to see me even though I was there less than twenty minutes ago.

‘What’s going on?’ I said. She didn’t answer me she just carried on looking at me. I pushed past her and walked inside the house. There was a shattered plant pot scattered over the chocolate brown carpet and a man sitting in the living room.

‘Who is he?’ I asked turning back to mum but she didn’t reply, she just closed the door and lead me into the living room. The guy looked up and his eyes were also tearful. He was a chocolate brown color and had really short curly hair. I stood there waiting for someone to say something as his brown eyes scanned my face.

‘Andrew say something,’ mum said sternly.

'I'm your dad,' the guy said.

'Yeah I and I'm the Queen of England,' I said back rudely.

'Tori,' mum said trying to hide the sadness in her voice but it just wasn't working.

'I came back to change things, start anew,' the guy who claimed to be my dad said.

'Mum where did you get this clown from cause it's not funny, my dad is dead,' I said looking him straight in the eye when I said the last bit.

'You told her I was dead,' the guy asked mum and you could hear the hurt in his voice.

'No she told herself you was dead cause her dad was never there,' mum said with hurt also in her voice. 'Tee I'm so sorry,' the guy said bowing down him head.

'SORRY FOR WHAT?!' I shouted making them both flinch. 'YOU CAN'T JUST WALK IN HER AND TELL ME YOUR MY DAD AFTER 19 YEARS WITHOUT HAVING ONE, YOU HAVE TO BE SHITTING ME! I screamed at the both of them.

'Tee just listen,' the guy said.

'It's Tori,' I spat.

'Okay Tori, I was 15? and being a father was just too much of a responsibly for me so like any other kid I ran away from my problems,' the guy said.

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