Say You Won't Let Go

Start from the beginning

"Dani, that's just..." she blinked and blushed furiously, "oh, stop it!"

"Ky, are you crying?" I stared at her shocked.

"No...I just have something in my eye..." she blinked at the floor, while smiling softly.

"Yeah, like what...a twig?" I joked and she playfully punched me.

"So, honey...are you ready for the dinner?" I asked her like a gentlewoman.

"Well, of course Mrs. Cimorelli, will you have the honer, to walk me downstairs?" she played along.

"Don't mind if I do," we intertwined our hands and walked downstairs. As we walked downstairs a little rascal appeared, "Why are you two holding hands?" Bella asked curiously.

"Um..." Kylie nervously uttered, "My hands are cold," she then rolled her eyes at how stupid that actually sounded.

"Your hands are always cold," I winked at her and slyly smiled.

"Dani!" she shouted and instantly blushed furiously.

"What? She doesn't even get the joke," I shrugged and gave Kylie the look.

"Aunt Dani, I am not stupid!" the little one sassed. "Aw, a small person getting angry, how adorable," I joked, Bella rolled with her eyes and left, while Kylie giggled.


"How was everyone's day today?" Dad asked at the family dinner. I nervously fidgeted and kept glancing around the room.

"It was great!" Alex commented enthusiastically. 

"Nothing special actually," Lisa commented on the other side of the table.

Others kept on eating and making conversations, while I played with my food and kept on replaying the words I'm going to tell my family and hoping they'll accept them well. Find the courage Dani, find it!

"I have an announcement to make!" I stood up, my knees trembling crazily...what the heck have I just done? Focus Dani, focus! I glanced at Kylie, she froze...she was probably expecting a proposal, in a moment like this I would laugh out loud, by the look on her face...but this was seriously not funny.

The room was silent in a second, everyone listened with expectation. I gulped and inhaled nervously, "I'm gay."

All eyes were on me right now, I tried to remain still, but I started trembling crazy, "From a young age I knew I never really liked boys, when everyone else was obsessing over boys, I just played along, although I obsessed over certain girls," I glanced at Kylie in that moment and she gave me a soft, but shy smile.

"My entire life I kept hiding this secret, because I was afraid of your reactions, I was terrified my own family will disown me and never talk to me again," everyone listened.

"And because we are religious, the secret was even heavier to keep from all of you, I was afraid you will disown me as your daughter or your sister. My entire life I begged God to make me normal...But what does normal even mean? Everyone interprets normal differently, so if someone interprets homosexuality abnormal, does that mean that it really is?"

"And I just want to say, Kylie, I love you so dearly," tears started forming in my eyes. "I met you in the dark and you lit me up, you made feel as though I was enough."

"I remember when we danced the night away and we drank too much, when I held your hair back, when you were throwing up," I chuckled to myself, as Lisa started laughing out loud. She quickly calmed down, "Sorry, please carry on."

 "And...well then you smiled over your shoulder and for a minute I was stone cold sober,I remember I pulled you closer to my chest and you asked me to stay over...remember?" I kept on explaining the great memory and staring at Kylie with a goofy smile on my face.

"Not really..." she embarrasingly shook her head and everyone laughed.

" And then I said, I already told you and I think that you should get some rest."

"I knew I loved you then, but you'd never know, because I played it cool when I was scared of letting go and I knew I needed you, but I never showed, but now I know I wanna stay with you, until we're grey and old and please just say you won't let go," I pleaded Kylie with my eyes.

"I promise I won't let go..."

"I promise you I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed, also I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head and I'll take the kids to school and wave them goodbye and I'll thank my lucky stars for that night," I smiled to myself as I tried imagining the future.

"When you'll look over your shoulder, for a minute, I'll forget that I'm older, I'll dance with you and you'll look as beautiful as ever and I swear that every day you'll get better you just make me feel this way somehow, I just can't explain it..."

"That's called love, Dani," Christina smiled to me from across the table.

"Kylie, I'm so in love with you and I hope you know darling, your love is more than worth its weight in gold and we've come so incredibly far my dear, look how much we've grown and I wanna stay with you, until we're grey and old, so please say you won't let go."

"I still won't let go," she proudly said and squeezed my hand affectionately.

"I wanna live with you even when we're ghosts, because you were always there for me, when I needed you most," I smiled softly at her.

"I'm gonna love you 'til my lungs give out, I promise till death we part, like in our vows and so I'll wrote this song for you and now everybody will knew, that it's just you and me, until we're grey and old and I hope you'll never let go."

"Never, beautiful, never," Kylie stood up and held me tightly.

Andrew coughed, "Homos," under his breath. I could feel Kylie tense up, as the blood inside of her started boiling, "Say, it again if you dare! You son of a b-"

"Kylie, stop it, he isn't worth it anyway," I rolled my eyes and tried to calm her down, she quickly calmed down and nodded.

"Dani, we always accepted you just the way you are and also the same for you, Kylie. We love you both so much," my dad said proudly and smiled satisfied, my mother also gave us an encouraging smile, also all of my sibling and their spouses and their children also, except for one homophobic person in this entire house.


I'm Coming Home (Cimorelli Story) #Wattys 2016Where stories live. Discover now