“At the age of five, her aunt was murdered and the wizard who killed her kidnapped Jasmine and took her back to his clan. The vampires taunted her, her beauty amused the werewolves and the wizards and witches experimented on her with their magic. She lived like that for ten years before escaping with another kidnapped boy, Kendre. On the run, the two had no idea where they were going, and unfortunately wondered onto Tharielon territory.”

“The Thariels found them, and attacked them. The two ran but were cornered, so Kendre distracted them while Jasmine ran and they killed him. Jasmine managed to escape and she made it back to Quvixta. She had lost so much, going to Ezalfar sounded like a fresh start. She told me all this and… and I didn’t know what else to do. I brought her back into Ezalfar and snuck her into the castle; I kept her hidden in the dungeons. I went down everyday and spoke to her; I felt for once, someone actually listened to me. Yes, Dwynwen listened to me, but she always criticized, Jasmine didn’t do that. She just listened and didn’t judge me.”

“The weeks I had planned to keep her there became months, and one night, we… we were kissing and Dwynwen found us,” Sayer paused, staring down at the stone path, his stance tense. He looked as if he was recalling memories as he cringed. “She shouted, blamed and tried to hurt Jasmine. Dwynwen was only doing what she thought was right, she thought Jasmine was using me, had used her powers on me, she didn’t know what was going on. So I defended Jasmine and Dwynwen left us, saying she wouldn’t tell anyone but if things got out of hand, she would deal with Jasmine herself.”

“Jasmine seemed to change after that, she didn’t listen and she jumped and attacked me whenever I came in the room. She was always on edge and was constantly asking questions about Dwynwen, as if she was obsessed with Dwynwen. Then, one night, my little sister, Charia, followed me down… I didn’t know she had followed me, I assumed I was alone. I had begun to talk to Jasmine when she came in the room and Jasmine…. Reacted.”

“She lunged at Charia, thinking she was a guard or someone coming to attack her. Jasmine knocked my sister out and left her bleeding on the ground,” Sayer shut his eyes tightly, “I was too slow…” he whispered, “I couldn’t even defend her.”

“Sayer…” Acting on impulse, I hugged him. Holding him tightly as he breathed deeply.

“She-Charia… she still has a scar across her face, where I couldn’t save her. A deep wound, which messes up her whole face,” He said, so quietly I could barely hear him, “It’s all my fault. I should have never trusted Jasmine. I should have never helped her.”

I let him go, stepping back to look at him. His grey eyes stared at me, full of regret, pain and loss. The bags under them were more profound now and his lips were cracked.

“Sayer, it’s not your fault,” I said softly, “But you need to think of Jasmine at this time, she was only defending herself.”

Defending herself? Against what? A five year old girl who can’t even use a knife?” Sayer spat.

“She attacked on impulse, she probably didn’t know who it was until after she had done the damage,” I retorted.

“There you go again, Morgana! Always taking the other side. Why? Why are you on her side?” He asked, glaring at me.

“I’m on nobody’s side here!” I said defensively, “I am just trying to tell you what I think! And I think you need to ask her what she remembers of this occasion!”

“Really? Because I know the facts and she harmed my sister. She hurt my sister and I’ll never forgive her for that,” Sayer folded his arms, locking eye contact with me.

“I didn’t say you had to forgive her, only let her explain herself.”

“Hmm, what about… no?”

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