The Day It Fell

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Summer of 2073 the beautiful smell of barbeque and the sound of kids playing. That is the feeling of Sgt. Luna while enjoying his day lying down in the park when he saw a plane passing he thought that it was just a simple airplane that has tourists in it, but a few seconds later he saw something falling a few kilometers away from the park he took his binoculars and took a look on it he saw that it is a bomb so he screamed "A nuke! Run!". And that is the day everything changes. Sgt. Luna finally hid in the basement of an apartment full of people, they heard it even though they are really far from the explosion. They found some food there that is enough for them for weeks Sgt. Luna knew how to survive a fallout and said that they have to wait for the radiation levels to drop a little for them to survive and leave the place. They waited for days turned to weeks when suddenly they hear like a sound of a truck or some kind of big and loud vehicle someone volunteered to take a look and when he returned he said it is the army he signaled them and now heading towards them. After that they were quarantined and finally Sgt. Luna is called by the general his name is Gen. Vargas he asked him if he can fight Sgt. Luna answered it yes, Gen. Vargas told him the country is at war he will be fighting in new manila tomorrow. His commanding officer is Lt. Farinas, he will be defending the frontlines against the new axis army which invades 30% of the land.

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