She smiled a bit wider as she replied, “I’d be more than happy to help you out. How many rooms do you need? And as long as you get a room, your horses get to stay free.”

            “Good deal, how much is a room?” Blackscales asked.

            “About 50 silver for one bed, 75 for two,” she replied.

            Blackscales leaned over and asked Omen, “How many beds do we need? I’m sure Aval would be fine sleeping on the floor, and so would I. We might be able to talk Autumn into it.”

            “You’re the one with all of the money; you make the decision. Keep in mind that while I’m older than all of you, I’m still pretty young and would be more than happy to sleep on the floor in your place.”

            “We’ll take one bed,” Blackscales told the woman, and she disappeared as she ducked to grab them a key.

            “Can I see your money?” She asked politely, yet very slightly suspiciously as she popped back up.

            Blackscales smiled and reached into his left pocket to find the 50 silver that he had in that pocket. He knit his brows together in confusion before thinking I must have put it in my right pocket with the other three gold I have on me. But as he reached into his right pocket, he found that one empty as well. He slammed his fist on the counter in fury before twisting in his seat and searching the tavern for his thief.

            “Where’s Bragg Randy!?” He shouted, instantly realizing that that was the only possible conclusion to the loss of his money.

            “I dunno what yer talkin’ ‘bout,” Bragg said from a shadowed doorway not far off as he mockingly flipped a coin that glimmered gold in the pale tavern light.

            He had somehow gotten another bottle of booze, and evaded the man that he had chucked his previous bottle at. He chugged his entire bottle before smashing it against the door and instantly creating a pretty decent defensive weapon. Despite his prepared foe, Blackscales leapt up from his seat, the same as Omen.

            The woman, he noticed, had her elbows on the counter and her face in her hands in a defeated-looking position. Blackscales ignored her and ran up to him, but was stopped in his tracks in surprise as he saw the crook throw his only weapon. Both the rider and blacksmith watched it go flying through the air, only to shatter against the back of someone’s head. They sighed in relief when they saw that the man turned around and was perfectly alright.

            Their relief turned into immense fear when the man growled at them in anger and rubbed the back of his head. Blackscales turned around, only to see that Bragg Randy had disappeared, probably right out the door after he threw the bottle and all eyes were taken from him. the rider didn’t have much more time to think about it before the giant man came barreling towards them. And in just a few seconds, every occupant of the bar was attacking another.

            Omen and Blackscales barely dodged the man that was charging them, only to get straight in the way of a flying glass that was still filled with wine. It seemed that they couldn’t even try to escape trouble, since they were both quickly tackled by someone almost as big as the first man. Blackscales roared furiously as he pushed his legs up into the man’s stomach and sent him flying forward to hit knock someone over about six feet away. He couldn’t focus on how amazed he was at his new strength; another man came hurtling towards them.

            Blackscales dodged and flung a huge punch at the man as he whizzed by, feeling one of his ribs crack from the blow. This time, he looked down at his hand and wiggled his fingers in surprise. Two more men lunged at him, this time both grasped a weapon-bottle like Bragg Randy had, but he easily shattered the first with a firm smack from his hand. A small shard of glass penetrated the back of his hand, but he pulled it out and shattered the other bottle.

Inferno Legacy: Valor of the Dragon (Book One)Where stories live. Discover now