
62 2 1

Kiss kiss fall in love!
Hug hug fall off a bridge!


I woke up early on Monday morning to find Ranka passed out on the couch. I smiled, knowing that he was trying his best to pay for rent, even though he really didnt need to as mother was paying him for watching over Haruhi and I. I made my way to the kitchen and cooked some breakfast for myself. Cooking is one of the qualities of a proper lady, cooking proper food that is.

After eating I wrapped some extras in some cling film for Ranka and made my way back to the room my sister and I share. I got dressed into the sailor-like uniform for the boys of Ouran and, using the bathroom mirror, put in my contact lenses.

Once I had arrived at the huge gates of the private school, I stood. And stared. It was pink! I remember Haru saying that it was pink, but I didnt think that she was serious! I began to walk, albeit slowly, towards the school when two ginger bundles clomped me from either side before quickly jumping off at my glare.

"Haruhi!" The one who seemed more mischievous exclaimed.

"Good morning, Ha-ru-hi!" The obviously shyer of the two said immediately after. I could tell from what Haru-chan had said that these were Hikaru and Kauru, so the first one who spoke must have been Hikaru, considering his voice was stronger, less breathy than that of the other twin. These things were clear to my twin and me. At first, it confused us both, but we came to the simple conclusion that it takes one to know one and left it at that.

"Morning guys!" I replied enthusiastically.

"You seem happy- "

"-today." They finished each others sentences, giving me a wave of painful nostalgia, as they tilted their heads simultaneously in a cat-like fashion.

"Yeah, I dont know why but I just a good feeling about today." I smiled. "So, do we know what the theme for the club is today?" We had just begun to get to the top of the stairs leading to the music room.


"We do"

"Boss said something about Disney princes."

After lessons

Kyouyas glasses flashed in the light as he re-adjusted them on his nose. He looked suspiciously at Haruhi, no, he told himself, a doppelganger, she must be! Kyouya knew that it was Haruhi, but something seemed different. He didnt know what, but something. It was like the twins. He could tell that there was something different but they were, at the same time, the same. That was the main reason that he couldnt stand the Which one is Hikaru Game.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2018 ⏰

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