Graduation · One

522 41 84

Michael's POV

Today is the day I finally finish highschool. I'm so happy because it was such a long and tiredsom year. I went through many struggles not just with school related things but at home too. We almost got evicted and I had to work at lot of over time at my job.

It started to cut into a lot of my studying time and my grades began to decline. Luckly I have teachers who care about me. They worked around my schedule and even tutored me when I needed it. They're the best.

Anyway I'm just glad and thankful to be done. The most important thing is I couldn't have made it without God. I just finished taking a shower and now I'm putting on my clothes. I decided to put on my overly glittered dress shirt I made and a bowtie with black slacks.

I finished getting dressed and walked into the kitchen. There my beautiful mother was cooking breakfast. I walked up behind her and kissed her cheek.

"Morning Ma." I said happily

"Morning my highschool graduate." She kissed my cheek

I swear my mother is my everything. Without her I don't know what I would do.

"Whatcha cooking?" I asked while trying to look over her shoulder to see what she was making

"Your favorite. Waffles." She smiled and put them on a plate for me

"Oh thanks mama. You didn't have to do that." I said as I sat at the table

"Oh anything for my baby." She sat my plate down in front of me and squeezed my cheeks

The front doorknob started to jiggle and twist. Then someone knocked and rung the doorbell.

"Who is it?" My mother yelled

"It's Eric. Why doesn't my key work?" He questioned

"Because I changed the locks." She said as walked over to the door and unlocked it

Eric walked in with an angry look on his face "Why did you change the locks? I mean what if I need to get in the house to get something important." He semi yelled

"Like drugs?" I mumbled

He looked at me "What was that?"

I stood up and got in his face "I said like dru-."

Our mother got in between us "Stop I won't have this in my house. Especially not today. This is your brother's day and I won't let you ruin it. He's been through so much to get here. Please just try and be happy for your brother for once Eric."

He sucked his teeth "Who said anything about not being happy for him."

He waved her off and walked into his room and slammed the door. I sat down and sighed. My mother sat down and rested her forehead in her hand. She put her hand on her chest as if it were hurting.

"You ok ma?" I asked in a concerned tone

"Yes I'm fine baby. You just go ahead and finish eating." She said almost sounding out of breath

"You sure? You sound out of breath."

"Yes I'll be fine. It's probably just my asthma."

"Should I get your inhaler?"

"No I'll be fine."

She was sounding worst with everyword. I got up and went into her room. I went over to her nightstand and grabbed her inhaler. I went back into the dining room and gave it to her.

She looked up at me "Oh baby I told you that you didn't have to do that." She said as she took the inhaler

"Yes I did mother. I couldn't just leave you here like that."

She smiled "Oh what am I gonna do with you."

"Love me." I chuckled a bit

She chuckled "I think you should take it easy and get some rest. My graduation isn't for another two hours and I don't have to be at rehearsal until another hour."

"Who's gonna take you to rehearsal?"

"I'll just get one of my friends to take me. No biggie." I exclaimed

"Well alright. Are you sure?"

"Yes mother I'm sure." I chuckled

I helped her up and to her room. She climbed in bed and I tucked her in.

"Now you get some rest ok?"

"Mmhmm I'll try."

"I mean it ma." I put my hands on my hips and made a pouty face

She laughed "Ok ok I will."

"Great. Now go on and sleep."

"Alright I am. Love you sweetie."

"Love you too mother." I kissed her cheek

I walked out of her room and closed her door. I made my way to Eric's room. We needed to have a talk. It seems like everytime he comes home it's always something and he flairs up mother's asthma. I'm so sick of it. I didn't even bother to knock I just went in.

"We need to talk mr." I said angry

He turned around and smirked "What glitter boy?"

I gasped "Glitter boy? Why do you always pick on my clothing? I mean I can't help it if dress better than you." I shot at him

He sucked his teeth "Please. I wouldn't be caught dead in that shit you're wearing. Only gay dudes wear stuff like that." He laughed

"Gay? How could you say something like that? You know I'm not gay Eric. I can't believe you would say such things like that to your brother." I said as my voice cracked

"Man whatever get out my room."

"FINE." I shouted

I stormed out and slammed his door. I don't get why he treats me this way. Ever since I could remember he's been mean to me. It always seems like he doesn't care about me or mother. Even though he did stop the eviction from happening he acts as if we owe him something. Mind you he lives here too.

So if we would've lost the house he wouldn't have a place to stay either. I flopped on my bed and buried my face in my pillow. I have way too much on my plate right now to be worried about Eric. I have college, work, and getting mother out of this dump to worry about. I don't need any extra useless things on my plate right now.

I hope this was a good first chap. I hope it isn't too bad. Vote and comment please all feedback welcomed.

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