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I have alot of fixes in this story and I will get to them soon but here's some of it.

My history teacher was lecturing on the importance of the World War 2 when the most gorges guy that I've ever seen before walked into our class room. My teacher stopped mid sentence when the boy walked into the room. "Hi Mr. Smith I'm the new student that principle Rodney told you about." His voice was like velvet when he talked. I couldn't wait until he spoke his next words. "Ah yes your Kyle Manson the boy who transferred from Phoenix, Arizona right." "Yes sir, and you remember the circumstances of my transfer right." "Oh of course I do." My teacher answered way to friendly like. Then he turned his attention to us. "Students this is Kyle Manson and I want you all to show him the most welcome that the Rosalie academy can possible show." All of the guys gave a half hearted hi why all the girls managed to give there girlish hello I've ever heard in my life time, it made me disgusted because I was among those girls that gave that hello. Our school is full of stereotypes and I am the lowest of low. That's right I am the girl who has only one friend who also is in the marching band which by the way I suck at. So I know I had no chance with a guy like Kyle Manson. "Ok let's see it looks like there is an empty seat in the back next to Alex Finster." Did I hear that right? Did Mr. Tyler's just tell Kyle to take a seat next to me when there are ten other empty seats in the class? All the girls turned around and gave me the dirtiest glare. Kyle made his way toward the seat next to me when he sat down he turned and gave me a smile. During the rest of that class period I'd watch the girls sneak peeks at Kyle but from what I could tell Kyle wasn't interested in any of them except me. I would catch a glimpse of him staring at me then he would turn his head. The bell rang too soon I could stay in that class with him forever. I was getting my stuff to leave when he decided to spring up a conversation. "Hi sorry I didn't introduce myself at the begging of the class. It's just I need to speak to you in private. Can we go somewhere so we could talk it will only take a few minutes of your time and you won't be late for you're for your next class I promise?" It seems a little strange for a guy I've only know for fifteen seconds ask to speak with me in private, but how can a girl pass up a chance to talk to a guy who looks like he walked out of a super model commercial. "Ok." I said in a tiny voice. We made our way toward the east hall which was the senior's hall. He led me to the janitors apparently that was his destination along. "In here." He told me. "This is just a janitor's closet what are we doing here." "You have to trust me." He said but as he was about to open the door he said "oh and this isn't just any ordinary janitor's closet." When he opened the door it looked like an electronic store. There was a television on each corner of the room. There were at least thirteen computers with scanners and printers. At one of the computers was a really skinny kid who looked like he would fit in the nerd category at school and another guy that had muscles the size of a body builders sitting on the couch with his feet propped up on the table. I would defiantly put him in the category of jock. Sitting in the corner of the room was a blonde who looked sixteen she would most defiantly fit in the popular cheerleader category at our school."Kyle what took so long you know where on a time limit?" The blonde asked. "Sorry guys had to wait till the class was over. It's not like I can get up in the middle of the class and take Sara to a janitor's closet how would that look." "It would look like you were about to get some." The muscle toned one answered with a smirk on his face. "Grow up Oxford." Smart mouthed the nerd at the computer. "Shut up Gay you know my name is Ox not Oxford." The one apparently named Ox replied. "That what it says on your birth certificate and Jay is what it says on my thank you very much Mr. Sensitive." Jay replied. "Will you both shut up?" Said the blonde chick in the corner. "Thank you Sara." Kyle said with gratitude. Then he turned his attention back on me. "Alex this is my team. That's Ox and Jay as you may already know and over there is Sara. Ox is the muscle, Jay is the brains, Sara is good with any gun you give her and me I am the leader." He said as if he was a proud dad with a son who just one the homecoming football game. "Wait team of what and how is this relevant to me or anything for a matter of fact." I said shyly. "Were a team of a special organization that deals with supernatural things like ghost, vampires, werewolf ect... And this is relevant to you because we have chosen you to join our team that is if you want to." Kyle said in the kindest voice. "Wait none of that is real and why me I'm just a band geek with two left feet. How could I possibly be help for your team?" "Oh I think you know those things are real Alex you've dealt with one when you were seven. Don't you remember?" Sara said. Just then the memories came flooding back. I was walking home from my friend's house that only lived a block away, but you have to go through the park to get to my house. It was the middle of the night back then I wasn't scared of nothing. As I made the turn toward my house something attached me it looked like a bear but it had the outline of a person's body. It left claw marks down the side of my left arm. Some stranger saved my life. The guys showed up out of know where. He had a hand gun in his hand. He shot one bullet into the beast's arm. It let out a dreadful scream. I had to cover my ears because I was afraid it would bust them. The beast ran toward the woods. I passed out from there and woke up in the hospital the next day. Since then I haven't went out during while it was dark in a long time. Kyle's words brought me out of my flashback. "Alex are you ok." That was the last thing I heard because the next thing I know I am falling to the floor. Then ever thing went black. When I woke up I was still in the janitor's closet or whatever you want to call this room laying on the couch my head in Kyle's lap. "Hey guys I think she's coming to." Commented Jay "Wh...what happened." I mumbled. "You blacked out and got a real bad nose bleed, but you are alright now." Kyle said with compassion. "How long have I been out?" "Oh about it's only been about a week or two." Ox answered with a giggle. "Ok now can I get a real answer from someone who isn't a comedian?" Ever one in the room burst out laughing at a serious question. "Apparently she's no fool." Jay said though is laughter. "You've been out for nearly an hour." Kyle said after he was trough laughing. "Wait what did you say an hour, but what about English and math?" I jumped up and stared heading toward the door. "Woo slow your roll girl Kyle took care of it. You see when you're one of us you can get away with anything and everything." Ox said with the first serious look I've seen him give. Just then I realized that getting up so fast was a bad idea. Kyle's hands were there before I could hit the floor. "You won't be going anywhere any way. You will stay here until I feel you can walk without falling over ever ten steps." Kyle said while he carried me to the couch. "Let you know that might be forever because here I am known as the Queen of clumsy." "Well with our help you will be specialized in guns, swords, knifes, fighting, and even walking. That is if you want to." He sounded so sure that I would say yes. Of course how could I not say yes, but I didn't need it to sound like I was desperate. "This is a lot to take in. I need to sleep on this decision before I give you my answer. Plus my parents are very protective ever since that night I don't think they would let me do a thing like this." "We've already spoke to your parents. At first they said no, but after hearing every detail of our organization." "They just couldn't refuse there little girl the right to fight monsters that go bump in the night." Ox said interrupting Sara."My parents are ok with me going off and risking my life to save humanity." I said now anger. "Not exactly it's going to take some getting used to, but there exact words were we don't want to decide our daughter's fate. We know your team will protect our daughter." Kyle said. My parents care enough to let me make a decision like this on my own. "Ok I am in, but one condition." I said. "Ok what's the condition?" Kyle said. "I will join as long as I get the pick of a really fast car or motorcycle. I like to go fast." I said while blushing. "Deal." Sara and Kyle answered in unison. "This is my type of girl." Ox said with a smirk. "Welcome to the team Alex." Jay said with a smile. After that I pretty much lived in that janitor's closet. Studying all the techniques and working on my fighting skills with Kyle and Ox. Jay helped me with computer technology and layouts of buildings. Sara some what scares me with guns and swords but to tell you the truth that's what comes the easiest to me is dealing with a gun or sword. Kyle is ever class except for two of them. Jay and Ox fill in those voids and Sara two of my classes with me and Kyle. The thing that surprises me the most is Kyle is taking band with me. He says that he's the only one on the team with any musical talent and plus at his last school he attend he was a drummer in his marching band. My parents are actually taking the whole spy /mythological creature assassin very well. In school I am still a loser, but Kyle and I are good friends, but Jay, Ox, and Sara have to play there parts. Jay is the geek how is still a step higher than me so he doesn't associate with me. Ox is a jock enough said there and for Sara well it goes to say that she's the queen bee of our school now. Tomorrow is the day I meet the boss of all boss's Charlie. Tomorrow is the day I will be evaluated on all the stuff that I have studied. Kyle says it will be a three day process so that's why we're doing it on a Friday. We've been studying all day and with ever thing we review the more I become grumpy and were ready to snap off some one's head. "Ok Alice when a victim has severe bleeding in his right abdomen what are you supposed to do."" I don't know we been studying eight hours straight I can't think straight." "Alice you have to get it right." "Sorry Kyle I am just not ready." "You are and I am going to prove it." With that Kyle took his knife from his hidden holster and stabbed himself in his abdomen. "What the hell are you doing are you crazy." "Nope now fix me." Then he did the second craziest thing he pulled it out. Blood came gushing out. It made me woozy but my brain went into like a trance. I was on the move grabbing supplies from the medicine closet. I was hard to work on his leg he would wince ever once in a while but it didn't stop me. It took me five minutes to get his leg in the best causality shape I could possible do since I wasn't a real doctor."See you can do it if you're under pressure." "But what about when I am not under pressure. What do I do then?" "I am not supposed to tell you this but he will..." "Kyle shut up." Sara said as she came out of the shadows. "We had no help and she will not get any help got it." "Come on Sara we were training for over two years before we took our test." "Ok yea we had more training but you heard Charlie she's you know special." She said with a whisper. "Hey I am standing right here you know I can here you." I said. "That's my point you're not supposed to be able to hear what I whisper to Kyle from over hear. It take's special equipment to hear what you just heard. Even when you stitched Kyle up it took us years to learn that when it took what a matter of minutes for you to perform it." She said with a hint of jealousy in her voice. "I thought that ever one on this team could do what I did." "See no one could do that not a human any ways." Wait did she just say I am not human no that can't be possible. I am a human and I know it because there's no way I could be anything else other than human. Right? "Sara she is human and you know that Charlie just said that her blood is special. Kyle said his voice cracking some. "WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU GUYS TALKING ABOUT!" They both looked at me at last noticing that I was still in the room. "Kyle it might be time for her to know." a stranger said from the shadows. "I don't know sir. Do you think she can handle all this. I mean we bring her in to the world where all those myths you get for bed time storys are real. Even Sara or me weren't told untill a year of traning." "Kyle, she's ready and you know she is defently more then a year ahead of you when you started." The man in the shadows stepped out. He was tall with white hair. He looked to be in his fifties. "Yes sir." Kyle said. Just then it hit me who he was. "So you must be the famous Charile I hear about." I said with a girn.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2010 ⏰

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