“Love breath, just breath.” I tried to calm her down and suddenly i remebered what i had to do.

So i started humming Stardust which immediatly calmed her down.

“How can you think that? He is dead!! You said you saw it yourself.” She was crying and screaming now.

People started staring and Claire came to us, “Everything okay? Should i send the guests home??”

“No everything is not okay, honey. If you could do that” I smiled soflty at her, she always knew what to do, “But keep Blaine and his friend here yeah? I need to talk to them.”

She nodded slightly and left.

“Emily, look at me.” I said and she looked at me, disbelief and hurt all over her face.

“I know what i said but thats not true. They told me to go out of the room because they didnt want me to see our baby boy being delivered dead so i left the room. And then i heard crying, i thought i heard two of them but it couldnt be because our boy was dead so i didnt think anything about it so i went in to the room and saw our little girl and the boy was already taken out of the room. They didnt let me see him and i dont know i just dont think he is really dead.”

She looked at me with confusion, “You mean he could maybe be alive?”

I nodded and hugged her even more thight.

“Thats impossible. How? This cant be true. He is dead, they told us that he was dead.”

“i know love, i know. And im sorry i kept it from you all those years. I should have told you.” I said while i started to cry.

“Shh dont cry. Its okay, you did it to protect me. I understand.”

“Mum, dad, whats wrong?” We heard Claire suddenly ask from beside us.

He quickly seperated from the hug and looked at her, i saw that there were two boys behind her; Blaine and Aiden.

“We have to tell you something but we dont know how.” I said while looking at Emily who hugged me again.

Claire looked at me with worried eyes, “When your mother was pregnant with you, there were a lot of things that went wrong. We told you right? About her past and what happend because of it?” I saw her nod and continued, “Well that day we found out that we werent expecting one baby but two. After what happened you were still healthy but your brother wasnt.”

I was telling this and with every word it got harder, i could feel Emily shaking on her knees.

“They told us he was dead, they took him away from us before we had even seen him.”

Claire was crying know and shaking her head as if in saying ‘this isnt true.’

“We are sorry we didnt tell you, we really are but the thing is” I couldnt get myself to say this, i jsut couldnt.

“We believe he is still alive and we believe we found him.” Emily said while looking at Aiden.

Claire followed Emilys eyes and her mouth dropped,  “Okay no, first you tell me i have a twin brother who died and then you tell me he is still alive and that i have known him for 4 years now?!”

Aidens pov…………………..

I listened to that story and it was really sad, like really really sad.

i still hadnt got a clue why Blaine and I were still here but Claire said her dad wanted to talk to us.

And then i heard ´they told us he was dead, they took him away from us before we had even seen him´ and i turned my attention towards Michael/Mika.

The women next to him kept looking at me which i thought was strange.

But suddenly Claire shouted, “Okay no, first you tell me i have a twin brother who died and then you tell me he is still alive and that i have known him for 4 years now?!” while she was looking at me.

Does she mean…i thought, but i got cut of by the women,  “Yes, we are trying to say that Aiden is your brother, your twin brother. ”

Wait, does this mean i finally have a real family?

With real, who care about me, parents and even a sister?

This is amazing.

Claires Pov………

Wait, does this mean i have a brother?

I always wanted a brother but a twin, thats amazing.

Kid(s)?! [Sequel to Emily] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now