A letter to myself

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I have always thought about what I would say to my younger self, if I was to meet her now. Every time I think of that I always think of myself as being old, rich and grumpy, lying in my death bed and thinking about how 'kids these days' live their life. I am possibly not in the right age or the right experience level to know everything about life yet, but I have come a long way and there are, as a matter of fact, a lot of things that I would want to say to my younger self. Here are a few things I can think of, from the top of my mind.

The first thing I want to say, which is probably more important than anything I am going to say, is about self-worth. If you are in the phase of currently being bullied and told you are not good enough in every step of the way, then the first thing I would want to tell you is to love yourself. You are beautiful – as much as can be and you are doing great in life. You are the best person you can ever be and I am proud of that. Love yourself and more importantly respect yourself.

Another thing I would say to you is to not rush myself into anything. Don't be too eager drink, don't be too eager to fall in love, don't be too eager to work, and don't be too eager to grow older. It will happen, in its own time and when it does, there is no going back. I am still not saying that childhood is the best time of your life, (because it's not) but there is no reversing. So, however hard your life is right now, deal with it. It will pass.

This third thing is also pretty much important, because it is about morality. The best thing about morality is that everyone has their own version of what is right and what is wrong. People will tell a lot of different things about what is right and what is wrong. Listen to them, but do what you believe in anyway. Let people's thoughts shape and create your own.

I know you have a lot of things that you want answered from me. Questions and thoughts about love, life, goals, and perfection. Here's my answer to what I think you would want to know. About love, you will get it. More than you can handle, but not more than you deserve because you deserve the world and more. If you want to know if love is as cheesy as they make it out to be, then yes. It is. It is exactly that cheesy and more. About life, I will let you know when I figure it all out myself, but don't worry too much about it. There is a reason everything happens and maybe you just don't know it yet. About your goals, they will change, and they will keep changing, until you realize you forgot to live on the way. So don't forget to live. And about perfection, it is everything, but it is nothing. Everyone is perfect in their own sense but nothing really is a generalized perfect.

Finally, having said all of this, you don't really need to pay attention to anything I ever said because you won't give it a second thought anyway. You will fall and you will make mistakes and you will feel bad about them and then you will sit in your room one day writing this the exact same way I am. Nothing teaches you like experience, so go ahead and do everything wrong. I LOVE YOU

XX Please try this. It feels great. You don't need to publish it. Just write it somewhere to yourself. XX

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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