Silent Screams

38 16 3

We live in world where people overvalue

            the labels and 

          look, down souls. 

Everyone gives death threats to each other 

        for reasons, nonsense. 

Seems like we are all already dead 

when it comes to forever and dreams 

 'We don't have the time to do things' 

- is the same answers from almost everyone I get 

All the odd beautiful stars stays is in hideaway 

tear drops fall down one by one in silent, 

each one commemorating something 

            that has been lost. 

 Can you hear the silent screams 

of soundless souls 

locked in invisible heavy metal chains. 

It's about all concept of damn time 

We all get mentally hazed up, 

blurry eyes, blurry faces 

Endless waves of geometric shapes 

Lives in quantum realms of space. 

Before becoming death, don't you 

know this is the only life 

             where you could be able to find 

knowledge and love, 

It's about damn time, and Everything 

 could be gone forever. 

Silent screams ; purple rains 

    Drifts in the air of shower steams 

        Where we salt bath of sorrows.

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