Chapter 22: Leadership

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Somewhere in Pennsylvania

I walked into the mall with my hood over my head. I took a good whiff of the clothes I was wearing. It doesn't take me a while to run here from New York but then again.....

When was the last time I showered? The answer escaped me as I looked around for a women's clothing store. I walked in with my pride and picked out an outfit. And basically shop lifted by putting it on. Then I just spritzed perfume on every inch of my body.

See the reason I'm in Pennsylvania is because I forgot to eat before I left. I didn't get far. I couldn't get far.

I found a map and was immediately confused. I couldn't find it anywhere. "Excuse me miss?" A man with his daughter came towards me.

"The map is upside down." The girl said. I flipped it around and was embarrassed. I bent over with laughter. "I'm such an idiot"

"Well you are young and when is the last time you have ever seen a map?" He laughed with me.

"The GPS?" I laughed even harder.

He laughed walking away and the girl waved. "I should have lived in Pennsylvania instead." I laughed.

I felt my stomach twist and turn. Hunger has always been my enemy. Ask Fury. I could eat 4 thanksgiving meals and still be hungry!

I made the decision to go back to New York. Not a smart one but it's fine. I was never known for making smart decisions.


I felt the cool breeze of October. It was closing in on November. Pumpkin season is over. I'd cry but I've never had any pumpkin flavored anything. Ava was whining about it a few days ago.

While on the street I pick pocketed people.

Isn't that illegal?

Your face is illegal.

How childish

Well we share the same mind so your childish as well! I put all the cash I found in one wallet and ditched the rest.

A car was suddenly flung towards me. "Shit!" I screamed I was ready to deflect it.

"It would be nicer if you would get out of the way! Before you get hurt!" Marcus blocked it.

I just laughed at him. "Are you o- great" He said.

I kept laughing. I couldn't stop laughing. "Is that how you treat people."

He gave me a hug and I squeezed him back. "Peter said you left and I was so pissed. I want to go with you!"

I was ready to push off. "You shouldn't. You have a life here. I'm going to be all over the place."

"Listen, this was never my calling. I did this only cause you were there. I just want to spend time with you. I've known you for....a few what.......months?"

I patted his shoulder. "I don't know, you seem to be pretty content with Brooklyn."

Marcus laughed. "We aren't a thing, if that's what you are implying."

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