Chapter 2

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Second Chapter of Severed Tails! I hope you like it and if possible R&R! Sorry this one is so short..

The group had made to to the entrance of the Underworld biding a goodbye to Kofuko and Daikoku, they went inside and weaved their way through the tunnels. Bishamon, with the help of her regalias, killed the Akashi's that tried to attack them since Yato was busy carrying Hiyori and Yukine could do nothing without the minor god.
They finally arrived at Izanami's home and stepped onto the platform as they heard shuffling and a women come out, with Hiyori's face. Hiyori seemed to have much longer hair and wore a beautiful fancy kimono, none of them were fooled this only made Yato's anger spike. "Give Hiyori back!" He said firmly glaring at the women she only frowned and reached out to him "But Yato," he slapped her hands away and she wailed in sadness. Yukine shook his head with disappointment with his master.
Soon more and more Akashi's that most likely carried Blithe surrounded Izanami, trying to calm her. "Izanami please give Iki Hiyori back to us, her death was a mistake."  Bishamon said calmly.
"Death is death you can't do anything to stop it," Izanami said surly and crossed her arms. Bishamon sighed and mumbled something unheard under her breath then spoke up confidently, "Izanami please give this fool Miss Iki if you do so I will personally come here four times a month to visit you with most of my regalias so that your not lonely." Yukine and Yato looked at her with awe and shock.
Izanami clapped her hands and smiled "Yes!...But Hiyori Iki is dead so I cannot give her to you." She said solemnly, "What do you mean!?" Yukine screamed in anger. "I have done someone useful though." She giggled, a glint of mischievous in her eyes.

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