Chapter 6

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April POV

I left the school parking lot and drove to my house. I sent a text to my dad letting him know that I was going to the mall with the girls and Andy. When I got home, I took a shower and put on casual clothes. Once done, I got some money I had hidden in my pillowcase. Yes, hidden. It is the only place my brother won't find it. When I was done and ready, I started looking for my car keys but they were nowhere to be found. I remembered that while showering I thought I heard a door. It must've been


It's a hobby for him to drive me over all my edges. I walked to his room and saw his door was open.

"Mike!! Have you seen my car keys?!" I asked as I walked into his room. He was working out like he does every day after school around the same time. He's like a gym freak. He's actually a great guy; he just enjoys bothering me way too much. He has the biggest heart, even if he doesn't always show it. Gabriela is very lucky.

"Mmm... Let me think... Maybe I have them. Yeah, it's a possibility." He said while lifting the bar with the weights on each end. "But I could also not have them... If I did though, you would probably have to give me something in exchange. Let me think... This is like the 5th time this week that you lose them. I'm gonna increase the price. What do you think about maybe $30?" he said smiling. Yeah, yeah, my brother could be the perfect guy to anyone else but his mission in life is to make mine almost impossible.

"You know what? We should go even higher! The new price could be not to tell dad that they're will be sending home your grades so far this Friday, I think that's an excellent price! What do you think?" Mike's smile faded quickly as he stopped exercising and reached for his short's pockets. He gave me a bad-loser look and threw me my car keys for me to catch, which I did.

"Thank you! It was good doing business with you; I think everyone got what they wanted." I said with a smile knowing it would annoy him even more.

"You got what you wanted, April. Get out of here." He said going back to his wights.

"Whatever you say, Mike." I remembered that he's meeting up with the band today. I almost forgot! "Make sure to tell the guys from the band to clean up before they leave, if not, you're cleaning after them."

"I know, BYEE." He said irritated and I blew him a kiss. I do like to bother him as well. I left to my cat and felt my phone vibrate.

Wyatt: Hey beautiful!

I answered instantly.

Me: Hey! What's up?

Instant answer as well.

Wyatt: What are you taking for the party tomorrow? Btw, I can't wait!

Me: Just the necessary for the next day. Trust me, you can't ever go to any of P's parties with curfew. It's too unpredictable.

Wyatt: Yeah, I heard. Thank you :)

Me: You're welcome. I'll see you tomorrow :)

Wyatt: Can't wait!

I couldn't help but smile at the text message in front of me. He wanted to see me.

Once I got to the mall, JJ, Krys, and Andy were already waiting for me at a store. As soon as I walked in, they were already throwing different pieces at me. I looked at Andy with the SAVE-ME expression but he just laughed at me.

"Stop complaining so much and go to the fitting rooms. Wyatt's going to love this!" said Krys and I blushed.

"Oh, that's right! April has a DATE!" JJ said with a funny tone and I stocked my tongue out at her. "All the more reason to look your best."

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Nov 10, 2016 ⏰

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