Chapter 3

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"So, we have another case..." You stared up at Dean from where you were sipping on your black coffee at the kitchen table, "And? You planning on sneaking out again when I fall asleep?"

Dean immediately shook his head, taking a seat next to you, "Nope, learnt my lesson, thanks!" You smirked to yourself, bringing your mug back to your lips, "What's the problem then?"

"It's a werewolf, babe, and I've studied his vics till now. They were all girls...and they kinda look like you, (Y/n)!" He flashed you a pleading look, which you knew meant he wanted you to stay back, again.

"We could use that to our advantage and use me as bait" You sent him a wink over your mug, and he groaned, "C'mon, babe, I promise this will be the last time I ask to stay home...please..."

Dean spent the whole day begging you to stay back at the bunker, but you were having none of it; you were a hunter just like him and his brother, and you were keen on doing your job right. You'd always known how dangerous the job could be and you'd made your peace with it.

During the whole drive to the motel you were going to stay at, Dean didn't talk to you, he barely even glanced your way; he was basically treating you like you'd treated him, 'eye for an eye' you guessed.

However, you didn't let his behaviour deter you. When you'd gone undercover with him and Sam as FBI agents, you'd managed to find out that there was a traditional carnival in town, and that the attacks always occurred there.

"It's definitely going to be freaking easy to spot a damn werewolf at a carnival were everyone is dressed up!" Sam agreed with his elder brother's statement, as he was already thinking of a way to make the beast come to you.

You had a plan of your own, one you knew Dean wouldn't be okay with, so you decided to only inform Sam about it, hoping to be able to make Dean forgive you after the wolf was taken care of and the hunt was over.

You slipped into the costume you'd asked Sam to get you, and you hadn't failed in noticing the blush on the younger Winchester's cheeks as he handed it to you and you winked at him before disappearing in the bathroom.

Fixing your make up, you made sure your hair was styled properly, and then made your way out of the bathroom. Sam immediately averted his gaze, already knowing what you'd be wearing, while Dean was stunned.

"(Y/n)? What-You're...fuck! Don't look at her, Sammy!" You smirked and slowly turned around to show your boyfriend the Red riding hood costume you were wearing.

The clothes barely covered your body, leaving your legs practically completely bare and you were sure that you wouldn't be able to bend since the skirt would end up showing off your butt to everyone.

Your boobs were pushed up and highlighted by the white shirt. The whole thing coupled with your pigtails and the red lipstick you'd chosen to put on; had Dean drooling all over the place.

"So? What do you think?" You stopped and looked at him, noticing how his eyes had glazed over with lust and his tongue was hungrily licking across his bottom lip; his eyes still trailing up and down your figure.

"I think that's something you should be allowed to wear only in our bedroom, baby, when no one else is around! Hope you weren't planning on heading to the carnival dressed like that...cause that ain't happening!"

You kinked your eyebrow at him in a silent challenge, "Really? And who's gonna stop me?" A wicked glint flashed in his eyes, but it was so fast you weren't even sure you'd actually seen it, "I know why you're dressed up like that...forget it!"

"I will be bait whether you like it or not, Dean! So you can either support me and have my back, or you can sit back and watch as I take down the werewolf. Cause trust me, I am taking it down one way or the other!"

Apologies   (Dean Winchester x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now