Chapter Twenty-Two: The Dragon's Fire

Start from the beginning

"Hold that thought, Brother. I must put Kiska's mind at ease before we can put her body at ease." I found myself pouting as Viktor pulled away, leaving me hot and bothered. I didn't like the fact that they both enjoyed teasing me like this. Of course they always made it worth my while in the end, but the in between part was not my cup of tea.

Dimitri gave a low chuckle, smoothing his hand over my stomach, "Okay. I behave myself for now."I gave a growl of frustration, trying to put distance between our bodies. If they were going to make me wait than they could both wait to touch me.

Viktor leaned toward me again, lips hovering over mine, "I will be quick, my greedy little kitten."

"Our, greedy little kitten." Dimitri corrected, pulling me back against him so I could feel the stiffness of his arousal pressing into my lower back.

Our door banged opened, sending the twins quickly into action. They lept up from the bed as if there hadn't been a pause between the thought and the action. They were letting out vicious growls, blocking me from the view of the intruder. I could tell from the scent that wafted into the room who it was, relaxing instantly, "Enough. It's just Benjin. And he better have a damn good reason for barging in here so unannounced. " I remarked pointedly, feeling rather annoyed that our intimate moment had been so rudely interrupted.

"Sutton is gone." Benjin words were almost a growl as he attempted to control his emotions. His words ushered in a tense silence in their wake, my body stiffening as they sunk in. Sutton was gone? Someone had come into my house and taken what belonged to me, right out from under my nose? My snarl ripped through the room, canines filling out my mouth. The uneasy feeling I had woken up to had proven to be justified.

I rose up from the bed, pushing the twins out of my way, "What do you mean she's gone? How the hell is that even possible?" I questioned through gritted teeth. I felt my wolf pushing to be released. She would find Sutton, it would be no problem for her. I did my best to keep my emotions under control, remembering the destruction she had caused the last time that I had let them get the better of me.

"I suspect Revan got some help from the inside."

Someone had betrayed me?And not just anyone but one of my own? I clenched my hands into tight fists at my side, claws stabbing into the soft flesh of my palms as my wolf snarled viciously at the thought, wanting to reign down her fury on the Judas. We would find them and kill them slow, make an example of them before everyone so that even the whisper of a betraying thought would leave them in terror.

"Bring me her mate."

There was more silence, "Can't. Ajax has taken off after her, killed a couple of the guards that tried to stop him."

"Is everyone around me completely fucking incompetent?" The bones in my jaw popped loudly. I was ten seconds away from losing myself to my beast. I needed time to think up some kind of plan of attack but every moment we stood around with our heads up our asses, Sutton was that much closer to becoming fodder for one of Revan's fucking messages. I had moved from angry to straight murderous. I needed to bring the situation back in under my control before I completely lost it.

I started to pace back and forth like a beast in a cage. I needed to kill something. I needed to destroy something with my hands. Dimitri grabbed onto my arm, and I growled at him on reflex before holding myself still under his hand. His touch was gentle, the pad of his thumb stroking lightly but his eyes were made of stone holding my gaze, "Emotions make for quick reactions and bad plans. This is what Revan wants. Sutton needs you to calm down. She needs you to think smart if you want to save her." His words were true. I was letting my emotions lead me and that would only lead to mistakes. I needed to be smart, because I had to save Sutton. I needed to save her. I took in a deep breath through my nose, holding it for a moment before releasing it out of my mouth.

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