Final Goodbye

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My heart is racing so hard. I must be in a nightmare! I pinched myself to try to wake myself up, but nothing happens. I have to do something for her she cant go to the Hunger Games shes too young! Shes only 12 she would never survive! The next thing I know Im pushing through the crowd screaming "PRIM! PRIM!"

"Stay back." says a peacekeeper. They try pushing me back into the crowd, but I fight back. Flailing my arms around. I finally got out of their arms and I walk forward. "I volunteer! I volunteer as tribute!" I say firmly. All eyes go on me. Everyone stares at me in shock. People start to whisper as I walk up to the stage. Prim was balling her eyes out. I hug her strongly, "Go back with mom." I whispered to her while I hold her tightly in my arms.

"Well there you have it." said Effie clearly shocked. "Katniss Everdeen. How about a round of applause." The crowd went so silent you could hear a pin drop. After a couple seconds people put their three fingers into the air symbolizing respect. "Well then, now for the boys." Effie said putting her hand in the bowl again. "Peeta Mellark." she shouts. Everyones eyes went to a boy probably my age. "Here they are the tributes of district 12." Effie finally said.

A peacekeeper lead me to a small room. "You have 30 minutes." said the peacekeeper opening the door letting someone in.

"Katniss!" Prim hollered as she jumped into my arms.

I let go looking at her in the eyes. "Listen Prim, I need you to take care of yourself, Gale will bring you guys some food." I pause. "I will miss you so much, and always remember that I love you." I said hugging her again.

"Mom, I need you to take care of her. This time I wont be here to pick up the pieces so you will have to do it youself. Gale will supply you guys with some food but you have to promise me you will do everything you can. Promise me!"

"I promise." she said wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Times up." said a peacekeeper

"Katniss!" screams Prim. "Do me one thing. Win. Win for me."

Then the door slams shut, leaving me alone again.

But not for long, The door opens again slowly. "Katniss!" Gale yelled running in the room. He kisses me. He kisses me like he never kissed me before. "You could win this thing! I mean you are very skilled with a bow and snare." I kiss him again intterupting him. He was just kidding himself. I could never win these games. But Prims voice just keeps playing in my head again and again.

"Times up shuttles waiting."

Hunger Games:Gale and KatnissNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ