04: Second guessing (short chapter)

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Poetic justice

Chapter 4: second guessing


She hasn't said anything since we got in the car. It's low-key scaring me she's never this quite unless she's thinking or upset.

"You still hungry?" I said in hopes to lighten the mood

"No" she said simply

"I'm bout to stop at jack in the box" I said turning into the drive through She didn't say anything but turn the radio on. J Cole no body's perfect played semi quite in the car.

I shook my head, I can never win. I haven't seen Sherane in a long time, but her popping up brought some memories that are unwelcome.

And I know Kali is pissed. I ordered a king burger and a soda.

Once I paid for my food I went on my way.

"My house or your house?" I asked out loud

"take me home Kendrick" she said not looking at me.

"Damn you ain't gotta he rude!" I shook my head at her "

I don't care you talking to Sherane was rude, but I ain't complaining" she said I had to laugh at her bitterness.

"Alright then" I said turning onto her street.

"Yea whatever" she mumbled Can't never win.


I waited impatiently for him to unlock the car doors.

I was pass pissed off, I'm livid. I can't deal with him and Sherane's relationship, because she going to win every time. Got me second guessing my love for kendrick.

"Can you please unlock the doors?" I asked taking a breath. He chucked with humor

"You think I'm gonna let you get out the car mad at me?" he asked I kissed my lips

"Just open the damn door! I'm tired of seeing your face" I said earning a good laugh from him.

"Now is that the proper way to ask me?!" he stated

"Oh my god quit playing Kendrick" I rolled my eyes to the back of my head. He laughed again digging into his bag of food.

"If you let me out you can come in and we can talk" I tried to reason with him. *Kendrick

"Are you serious?" I asked

"Yes we can talk" she turned to face me "About?" I questioned trying to make sure we're on the same page

"Anything you wanna talk about" she reassured me I really hope she keeps her promise, cause I just hope we argue less and talk more

"okay, but don't make me second guess myself" I pointed at her She nodded her head understandably.

"I won't" she said in a quite voice Let's hope she's telling the truth.

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