Chapter 1

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Everything was in a blur as Chara awakened, her head hurt and her memories of recent were fuzzy. Everything in her vision seemed to have a tinge of orange...wait, that wasn't her seeing things, everything was actually in a tinge of orange!

Where am I? Something doesn't feel right.
Her body felt too light,and she wasn't even touching the ground,"I'm not...standing on the ground?!" Chara looked down. These weren't her clothes, she was very sure she did not own a white one-piece swimsuit.

Confused, she thrusted out her arms, they felt weak, as though they were numb, but they did hit a surface, glass, and Chara realized she was trapped in a large tube and she was surrounded by a orange liquid. Her heart skipped a beat as she panicked, her hands flying to her face. A oxygen mask. "How would I be alive then, hah..." she thought.

Suddenly, her head received a sudden pounding sensation. Memories came rushing back to her.

She remembered being apprehended by a group of people. Faces hidden, they had subdued her and she struggled, after that her vision went black. Apparently she had fainted,and here she was now.

Chara studied her surroundings more closely, her headache slowly fading away. She was in a dimly lit room, not very big, around ten meters in width and length. She could conclude that she was in some sort of tube because she could not feel any corners. It was hard to see fully what was in the room she was in, as the back and sides of the tube were covered by an opaque material, perhaps it was a wall.

There were only few light sources in the room. One was from this tube she was in, the other was somewhere to her left, a faint glow of orange, but it was blocked by the sides of the tube and Chara could not see what it was.

Although the room was plain and quite empty, there was, however, an elaborate set of controls a few meters away from her. The panel of controls were not like the typical set of buttons, levers and switches, instead, it looked high-tech. Within the panel there were multiple screens and a row of buttons down the left side of it. She was in some sort of machine!

"Is this some sort of sick experiment? I didn't sign up for this!!" Surprisingly, that wasn't what Chara thought, as a normal person would. Chara didn't feel anxious, or fearful.

Just then, the door swung open and a man stepped in. Light poured in from beyond the doorway, filling only the area a few meters away from the door before fading into the shadows.

Although it was quite dark, Chara could make out his features easily enough, he had pure white hair despite looking to be in his mid twenties or thirties, and was wearing a black suit with a violet tie.

But the most distinct feature (other than his bizzare hair color), was his eyes. His bright green eyes that looked sinister when it was reflecting the pale orange lights. He noticed that she was awake and he spoke something, inaudible to Chara through the liquid.

He swiftly turned and exited the room, leaving Chara confused. Then her confusion transitioned into panic, and anxious thoughts clouded her mind.

What are they going to do to me?? I don't want this, I don't want anything to do with this!

In a state of anxiety, Chara banged on the glass with all her might, trying to escape like a bird stuck in a cage.

She hit and hit and hit, but she could not change anything, she was helpless.

She hit the glass one last time but stopped, catching her breath as the her body took in the oxygen to replenish itself.

She wanted to cry...she wanted to escape, her aunt would be wondering where she is. And just like this, her freedom was gone, and Chara did not even know why.

Chara felt helpless, but Hope was not completely gone after all. She had created a crack at the foot of the glass somehow, and water was slowly but surely seeping out...forming a small puddle on the ground which formed into a stream.

It reached the wires and-


Chara could hear the distant clacking of shoes, someone was coming...the man?

The door opened, once again allowing light to seep into the room, but just as quickly, it was shut and the room was dim again. This time, the man was accompanied by a woman wearing a lab coat. "She's probably the one who knows how to use this machine." Chara thought.

The woman seeked permission from the man and he gave her the go-ahead. She tapped a few things on the screens and pushed a lever. The humming of the machine could be heard. The intensity of the orange tinge in the water seemed to be increasing, and from the light emitted, she could see the blurry outline of her silhouette on the ground.

Chara didn't notice before, but from the other orange light source she saw before, she could see another figure slowly forming. "Wait...what is happening?! Is there someone else in there?"

The humming grew louder, and Chara closed her eyes in anticipation-"WAIT!! Turn off the machine now, the subject has interfered with the controls. Administer the Knockout gas now!" The man boomed.

Suprised, Chara looked up, previously it was silent in the liquid, but now she could hear the lady's shrieks as clear as day.

She looked down and noticed what the woman was talking about, a stream of water had came into contact with some wired connected to the machine.

Chara also noticed the small crack in the glass. How did that get there?

The woman frantically pushed a few buttons and Chara could feel the air she was inhaling change. Still in shock, Chara fainted and fell into a deep sleep.

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