The Remorsed Doll

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When you walk through a forest avenue, everything is in complete silence atmosphere, and that you think it is just you there, it's more than that, it's a history of what actually occurred ages ago within a certain place, and it always has its reasons why. Before I came to this forest of mysteries, I was in my bed before being awakened by a nightmare I transpire to be real, but I didn't really know, but after I woken up it was dawn, and I got change into my morning clothes and I went downstairs and cooked my breakfast, it was my all time favourite breakfast meal, Chilli Sticky Chicken With Scrambled Eggs.

With the nightmarish dream I had, it wasn't a full dream experience, it was split up into sequence, making it a chaptered movie, which also includes a good time for me to overcome the dream I had, it was a nice feeling until my dreams were revealing the true meaning of the history of the actual forest of unexplainable vintage stories. Little I didn't know that when I was having this nightmare it was like another elm street movie, like I kept on having the same matter multiple times.

Speaking of dreams and nightmares, most people say they aren't really real, it's just a thing that you have watched over time, but the occasion of the situation that dreams make you happy but on the other hand dreams can just turn into nightmares really quick, so it's painful and cringing for an horrible experience.

Chapter 1: The Creation Of The Doll

So this doll was no particular type of doll, it wasn't discovered by an warren family of psychos, or wasn't discovered by any exorcist, it wasn't made by a film that I watched, it wasn't made by any mixed up movies made into one, it was a full entire new way to create a such possessed creature. With what I knew that such a harmful doll can do, in many stages, this doll was made of vintage cotton fabric and modern to this day fabric, it sounds mental but it feels like it sounds right.

The frame of the doll is an very strong Schinopsis spp, which is a type of wood called Red Quebracho, and also the doll had mysteriously human nails from an very old corpse, or from a fresh human corpse, I never knew, but it was human nails. To be fair that because the doll was made of very strong wood, along time ago it was burned inside a roaring flaming house, but people knew as the house to this day perished.

There are so many legends that never die in stories they just always get remembered by continuous stories, but this one isn't a legend, or a myth, but it's like it is a legend but it's never been made into a story. Moving on from that, the doll was no longer in human connection for 30 years, so people forget about the doll and that the house was demolished by a craned wrecking ball, and for that no matter what people will never know what was there.

For 12 years on from there, the area that the house was demolished, nature took over and made it a habitat for animals to take over, after another year gone pass a nature journalists came by called Jack ReFedra, he was noting all the things he's seen, until he saw parts of an very old crumbled up house on the grass, he was suspicious.

As Jack was carrying on with his adventure in the beaming sunshine forest, he came across a lot of hanging doll heads, just heads, Jack was curious about the outrageous trees with heads of dolls, but he just carried on through the forest path and came to an awesome well just outside a house fully untouched, Jack said to himself, " that's strange ". Jack entered the house looking at the walls that had no markings at all, even that, not even one scratch, Jack thought, he walked down this corridor with family pictures on the wall, no life of green vines growing over the frames of them.

Jack then came to a stairwell leading towards the second floor and the third floor, Jack though first checked the second floor, he saw 4 doors, 3 bedrooms and one bathroom. On one of the bedroom doors, it had a sign saying Elena, Jack opened the door and Jack saw very pinky wallpaper and a rocking chair in the corner with a stuffed animal toy on it. Jack left the room and came to another door with another sign saying Tom, Jack entered the room and it had black wallpaper like it would be if it was me. It had crows and bats hanging from the black rooms ceiling and loads of dark poetry on the walls. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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