Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2. The Hospital

I was pretty sure I was experiencing a hangover. I'd never drank a day in my life, but this is how I imagined one. Headache. The need to puke. The need to puke some more. I managed to open my eyes a crack, but they wouldn't stay open.

An annoying beeping sound worsened my headache.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I opened my eyes completely now, they drooped with every blink. My vision was clouded, probably because my contacts were out, but I couldn't recall if they'd been in in the first place.

I tried to wiggle my toes, but no sensation came that they were moving. Were they even there anymore?

"Oh my God!" A man shouted.

Before I knew it, someone was kissing and hugging and dripping tears on me. It wasn't my dad. My dad wasn't a hugger. He wasn't unfriendly or hostile, he just wasn't a hugger.

I couldn't see this man that wasnt my father, but his hands were on my face.

His hands kept touching my face.

I must of slipped back into a state of unconsciousness in the process of my personal space being violated, because the next thing I remembered was trying to pull my eyelids apart again, and people weren't hugging on me and rubbing their slimy hands on my head.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

"Could someone please deactivate that bomb?" I said out loud.

I opened my eyes with one try.

The room, which I assumed was a hospital room, was dark.

A nurse was messing with something on what I had gathered was the bomb.

"Amelia, are you in pain?" The nurse asked, her voice quiet and gentle.

"Where am I?" My voice was raspy, almost as if I'd picked up a smoking habit.

First I was an alcoholic, and now I was a smoker?

"You're in the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. You were in an accident, but you're doing fine."

Accident. Accident. Accident. I repeated the word, it's meaning not appearing in my thoughts.

Never drinking again, I thought.

"Is this heaven? Are you God's wife or something?"

"No and no. Are you in pain?" I could hear a hint of laughter in her tone.

I struggled to form the word I wanted to speak. It was right there, I just couldn't form it.


The nurse must of pumped me up with some of those feel good drugs, because the next time I swam back into semiconsciousness, the pain had subsided. I was restricted in movement, open my eyes, wiggle my toes-which I had discovered were still there.

The room was filled with a dim light from the windows. The tiny amount of light intensified my headache. I turned my head away from the light, but only caused myself waves of stabbing pain.


A needle stabbed into my arm, but my head hurt so bad, it didn't bother me knowing that I was going back to sleep. I kind of wailed like a wild animal that had been shot until the blackness took over.

Everything went black, but the pain was still present. The drug caused sedation, not sleep. Disappointment. I was trapped in a dull achy misery for what seemed like weeks. I could hear voices around me trying to soothe, but the words didn't reach me. Mumbles and crying, then after that, more mumbles and crying. I wished I was dead. It would be better than the mumbles and cries that sometimes penetrate through my wall of sedation. It would be better than the knife I feel constantly driving itself into my brain.

They could pump whatever they wanted into my arms. I'd rather be dead.

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