Chapter 39- I Definately Know What I'm Doing

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*Alice's POV*

"Hey Parker. Wazzup!" I shouted as I entered his room.

"Go away!" He moaned stuffing his face into the pillow.

"Oh gosh ding dang why you gotta be so mean to may?!" I asked putting on my best American accent. Parker pulled his face out of his pillow to give me a dirty look.

"No one sounds like that!" He croaked out, he sounded like he had a stuffy nose.

"Are you sick?" I asked.

"Yes Alice I do sometimes get sick." He said sounding grumpy.

"Hey don't be all grumpy with me your mum didn't even want to come up here but she didn't tell me why." I crossed my arms pouting at him. "Wait if your sick... shit!" I ran to the door struggling to unlock it.

"No don't leave me!" Parker whined. "I need you!" He added when I was about to run out the door.

"Hey as much as I don't hate you and everything I'm not willing to give up my well being by staying here with you! I'm like a germ magnet okay I really don't feel like getting sick." I tried backing away.

"Is that what your supposed to say to your boyfriend that you don't hate them? I thought your supposed to say you love them... Because you know I-" Parker said beginning to get up off his bed. As soon as he took a step towards me he fell flat on his face because he tripped over his blanket. "I love youuuu...." Parker's muffled voice called out. "I will always love you!" Parker sang to me with a blocked nose.

"How much medicine did you take?" I asked him looking at his face skeptically.

"About 4 pills maybe. What about you how much medicine did you take?" He asked emphasising the 'you' part while looking at me suspiciously.

"None because I'm not sick." I told him.

"I bet you did and your trying to make me board the mothership or something... Well I'll tell you something you won't even get me past that door." He said pointing at the window.

"That's a... Window." I corrected him.

"Don't you try getting your alien conspiracies planted in my head!" He half shouted half croaked out before inhaling a lot of snot.

"Eww gross where's your tissues?" I asked him.

"Up my ass! HAAH!" He laughed before face planting the floor. "Woah what just happened?" He asked raising his head off of the floor.

"Damn it I though you weren't going to get back up." I sighed.

"Hey you know what *sniffle* You should do *sniffle* Like you know when *sniffle* read a book and the girl or guy *sniffle* makes the otter one breakfast you *sniffle* should do that." He told me sniffling every 3 seconds.

"But that's so cliche!" I whined.

"Our whole life is a cliche!" He threw his hands up weakly before they landed straight on his face. "See like this... Would never happen in real life... Who slaps themselves like that?" He asked.

"You look hideous!" I made a face when I saw the snot trailing down his nose, his nose was bright red and so were his eyes, but his hair was actually nice when it was ruffled like that.

"Hey you are a mean alien!" He sniffles sadly some tears leaking out of his eyes.

"I mean you look so beautiful I could kiss you and yeah..." I trailed off.

"Yay you should kiss me!" He said happily.

"You're like a pregnant woman when your sick with those mood swings." I shook my head smiling slightly.

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