Chapter 15

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Claud looked down at the dead Alois and back to his hands. He was fading. When the demon fails to protect their master before their contracts are for filled, the demon will be brought back to hell and forced to stay their for 100 years. First his hands, then arms, chest, legs and finally head. He was silent and only looked at Alois for the whole time. Amelia walked over to Alois and bent down next to him. She took the knife's handle and slowly removed it from the body. She stared straight at it with a smile across her face. She then took her tongue and slid it down the back of the blade. "Disgusting." Ceil said standing up slowly. He forced all his weight of the stair railing. Blood dripped down and scratched that'll never heal. "Your a psychopath. Your family was, you are and that's why I killed them." Amelia moved her eyes to Ceil. She stood up and stretched her arms over her head.

"Now now little doggy." She eyes shine with evilness. "That was delicious. So I wonder how you will taste." She dropped her arms and licked her top lip. "Don't ever talk about my family like that. Understand pooch?!" She shouted pointing the knife at him. Ceil chuckled.

"Snakes really do fit you Amelia. Gross animals that crawl on the floor, just waiting to be stepped on." Amelia walked to the bottom on the stair case looked up at Ceil.

"Cobras are the smartest of snakes and yet are still smarter than dogs. You must pay for your crimes! Your guilty!" Jess walked closer to Sebastian. He flinched at Jess just didn't move a lot.

"Guilty? You keep going on about how we are the guilty ones. But what about you? You've killed many people that aren't guilty! Well? You sure be the one to die!" He shouted. He clenched his side as red squeezed out from the other sides of his fingers covering the wound.

"Guilty? Me?" She laughed. She laughed so hard she leaned over and used her knees for support. "I'm killing for fun! It's so much fun to kill but I kill the people that deserve death. The man that hurt his daughter, the woman that murdered. So many people with meaningless lives. The future of London will thank me! My London will be amazing! No one will be guilty because no one will be alive." Amelia hugged herself at the thought of her London. Ceil fell to the ground again. He tried to get back up but failed.

"Damn you Amelia! Your crazy! London will never fall to a person like you. Your completely nuts!" Like master like butler both Sebastian and Ceil lay helplessly on the floor.

"Are you almost finish Daniel? My dinner is waiting." She asked looking over at the two boys.

"Yes My Lady." He answered. Jess ran over and kneeled next to Amelia.

"My dearest Amelia. Your hair and eyes shine beautifully with the blood stains on the floor and your clothing. Please be my lover!" He begged. Amelia patted his on the head and moved up the stairs.

"London bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down, London bridge is falling down, thanks to Amelia!" One step at a time she made she way to Ceil. His eyes were open but his breathing was rapid. "London will come crashing down, crashing down, crashing down, London will come crashing down, one death at a time." She sweet singing was a whisper only for Ceil's ears. "I've killed Alois and now all I need is you." She sat next to the black haired boys body, criss cross apple sauce style. She twirled the blue diamond handled knife around her fingers.

"I have no regrets for what I did." He muttered out. His voice was shaky and cracked.

"I'm sure you don't." The knife was held up and his neck. Daniels spear was at Sebastian's neck too. "But one question," Ceil's eyes glanced to the gorgeous girl sitting next to him. She moved her hair out of the way and leaned closer to his ear. Jess laughed and pushed his pencil into Sebastian's neck along with the spear. Ceil clenched in pain as the mark in his eye vanished. The demon was dead and killed at the hands of a reaper and fellow demon. "Was it fun?" Her question surprised Ceil in so many ways.

"Are you asking me if killing your family was fun? Why would you ask me such a question?" Amelia sighed and leaned back on her hands. She twirled the knife in her fingers and gently placed it on her nose as she balanced it there like a seal would a beach ball.

"Because killing is fun! If one doesn't kill for fun what other reason is their? Now answer the question doggy." She said sternly.

"No. Killing isn't fun for me, or most people. The reason I had was because they scared me. I thought if you had no family you would be normal, not get a demon." Tears rushed down his cheeks and he covered his eyes with the back of his hand. "If your going to kill me just doing it already!" He commanded.

"With much pleasure." She sat back up and held the knife inches away from his neck. She pushed down the knife on the left side, causing blood to run down his neck. "One more thing." She laughed madly. "I'm not crazy!" With that Amelia swiped the knife across his neck left to right. Ceil's breathing stopped and blood splattered all over the floor, Ceil's clothes and Amelia. Blood was on her face as she stood she tilted her body to the side. "Ha. Ha hahahahahahahaha!" She laughed. Her eyes wide open and pure happiness. She took her finger and took a bit of blood from Ceil and put it in her mouth. "Amazing! So salty and full of regret!"

"Your contract had been for filled My Lady." Daniel said handing her a cloth. She rubbed her face with it taking off the blood.

"Your mistaken demon." His eyebrow peeked up. "My wish was to kill everyone that is guilty. And so much blood left to spill." Daniel grinned and couldn't help but laugh. He was going to be with this girl until London is destroying. Jess came up and hugged her begging once more to be his lovers. The demon bowed and grinned.
"Yes my Lady."

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