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Levy POV

Its 6 o'clock and I'm up, getting ready for school. Summer break just ended and I'm back to hitting the books.

I don't have a problem with that of course, because books are my life.
New year, new school, and I'm starting my junior year of high school at the one and only fairytail high

Im Levy McGarden.
I'm out of bed, and I slip on my grey shirt with my black pants with some white flats to go with it.

Did I forget to mention I'm color blind?

I put my messy grey hair into two cute little buns on the top of my head with a white headband to go with it.

No matter how cute I may look, I won't have friends at this school either.

Which is fine, I can manage on my own. Less people I need to worry about and less people that need to worry about me.

I take a pack of pop tarts for the go and drive to school in my light grey bug.

~Timeskip: Arrival~
As I walk toward the entrance of Fairytail high with my bookbag stuffed with books, I notice how crowded the doors are.

I always get to my schools early, so I didn't think there would be this many people already here.

Am I late?
No, of course not.
I join the crowd that is anxiously awaiting to be let into the building.

These students are a lot different than I've seen at my other schools. They're so excited to get in.
What's their deal?

I look inside the window and I see a huge foyer. Wow. I never thought a school could look like a castle, but you learn something new everyday I guess.

As soon as I get into the doors, I head to the principals office to figure out how everything is going to operate here.

I go in and I am greeted by a beautiful white haired girl that looks like she's in her mid-twenties.

"Why hello there!" She says cheerfully

"Hello" I say almost monotone

"Are you here to see the master?"
She asks

The master??? Does she mean the principal???

"I'm here to see Mr. Dreyar, do you know where I might find him?"

She smiles "right this way"

She leads me down a hallway that has its walls covered with pictures of students doing various activities: playing sports, chatting, and... wait, is that kid eating fire?!

The lady pulls me out of my thoughts

"My name is Mirajane Strauss. I am the master's secretary. My two younger siblings go here. My little brother is the gym teacher, and my baby sister is a junior. What's your name?"

"I'm Levy McGarden. I'm a new student here."

She smiled "that top looks cute on you. Orange definitely suits you, and paired with those dark blue pants is just adorable"

I give a faint smile "thanks. I actually don't know what colors im wearing, so thanks for giving me a sense of what they look like."

She gives me a confused look, and asks not unkindly "how don't you know what colors you're wearing?"

I attempt a smile and say "I'm colorblind. I can only see in black, white, and grey."

Her facial expression changes from confused to a sad looking smile. "The master should be ready for you now. His room is the first one on the right."

I give a faint smile. "Thanks Ms. Strauss."

She smiles back "please, call me Mira"

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2017 ⏰

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