Teaching , truly an art

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She didn't realize she turned right to Severus Snape who scoffed at her rudely and continued to glare at her which she returned with a smirk. They kept looking at each other like that for a number of minutes until dumbledore cleared his throat as to warn them. Elladora wasn't going to be the one to turn away first, then he would think he had the upper hand. Severus turned away first, to Elladora's delight and she continued to eat off her plate. "I really did think you would be more fond of the fish." Severus growled sarcastically. " oh?" Elladora turned to him, innocent look on her face."No idea how you would make that assumption, Severus." She said concealing a smile. "No obvious reasons." He growled back. "I hope you don't mea-" Elladora started when Minerva raised an eyebrow like a mother, scolding a child. This was Severus's turn to smirk and Elladora's turn to glare and turn away. But, one thing Elladora forgot that a one Gilderoy Lockhart was on her other side. She cursed to herself again and turned forward, sneaking a glare at Severus. She then turned her attention to Albus and Minerva, engaged in a conversation. She then heard Albus laugh and left Minerva blushing slightly. Elladora then smiled to herself and turned to her plate.

  Her classes of the day, which where longer than the usual classes, in the middle of her last class she got an owl that she recognized as her fathers. She put the letter on the edge of her desk, ignoring it. After her classes where over and done for the day, she rushed to her quarters for some needed rest. She completely forgot about the note from her father.

  She woke up the next morning, forgetting the note and heading straight for the great hall, seeing Mcgonagall wasn't there. "Where is professor Mcgonagall?" She asked professor Flitwick. "Didn't you hear? I thought you out of anybody would know, Her brother has passed away." "Which one..?" She asked, voice shaking. But Elladora didn't wait for his response and ran to Mcgonagall's quarters, not caring that the students looked at her oddly. She knocked on the door rapidly, no response. She ran back to her classroom, looking for the letter everywhere and found it no where. "I swear to Merlin if peeves touched that letter..." she began to break down slowly, running around the castle looking for her aunt. In between the tears and frustration she had a brilliant idea.

  She rushed to where the entrance to his office and said the password, or what she thought was the password Elladora wasn't good with passwords, or names, people, being normal... she watched the enchanted stair case go up and climbed the stairs, thinking the worst, but hopping for the best. She knocked on the door, waiting for a response. "Come in Elladora." Her eyes widened to see a familiar tabby cat asleep on Albus's desk. She pretended not to notice Mcgonagall, for she didn't want to face her, Albus could tell her everything. "I believe Peeves stole a letter of mine.." she started, eyes still on the grey tabby cat. "I'm afraid it was someone else who took your letter." The cat suddenly woke up, and narrowed her eyes on Albus, scolding him." Hello professor." Dumbledore said smiling at the Cat "a nice nap?" Mcgonagall narrowed her eyes even more. " I've never seen a stricter Tabby Cat in my life." Elladora added snickering slightly. The tabby cat turned her attention to Elladora and her eyes grew sad. She transfigured to her normal self again."Elladora I apologize... and I took the letter... I didn't want you to be hurt..." she said sadly "I'm not eleven anymore!" Elladora almost shouted at Minerva. Minerva's face turned surprised and looked at her niece "Elladora I am-" "I know!" Ella choked out, holding back tears. Minerva winced in pain, mental pain rather than physical. "Ella-" "I'm Fine!" Elladora demanded and fled out of the room, holding onto her necklace dearly.

  Walking into her classroom, she could barely see through the tears and her horrible eyesight. She walked to her desk, not being able to hold back her tears. She picked up her large round glasses, trying to distract herself from the hurting pain in her chest. Elladora bent over on her desk, resting her arms upon the desk. She looked down, not realizing the tears where rolling down her face, leaving her face splotched with red on her cheeks. She had placed her glasses on her face, not hearing the door creak open to some witch or wizard entering her room. Wiping the tears from her eyes and not bothering to fix her fallen dark black hair, which had placed itself along her back and shoulders, looked up at the door and realized someone had entered. She cursed at herself and looked around the room finding no one there. Sensing a presence she stepped backwards onto someone, causing them both to fall. They both went tumbling to the floor, the stranger clutching onto her for some unknown reason.

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