Teaching , truly an art

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Elladora understood completely on what Severus had said about teaching: "an art of having to put up with children who have no sense to learn it themselves." He had once told her when she had to be forced into hiding in 1980. Some of the students she taught where indeed, arrogant but some where sweet and others, there to learn.

She always thought it her goal to teach others what she had learned and mastered throughout the years. But some students who wished to become an auror where unbearable. Sadly, she had to say her favorite student was a slytherin, yes she was about twelve years of age and she did not teach her. But none the less she had seen her in the hallways. She had only taught to children who wished to become an animagus, the opening feast hadn't even been announced, but some younger students and prefects had came early for animagus training, if some where even capable.

So far only one student was capable of becoming an animagus, the feast was starting in an hour. She promised herself she wasn't going to be late this time, "or any other time!" A voice in her head said. She didn't want to embarrass her self or her fellow staff in that matter, she stood up from her seating corner in her chambers, remembering the night she had scared Severus, dear Merlin she hoped he wasn't still mad at her. "He'll just have to deal with it." She said aloud and pulled a black comb through her dark hair. She swore under her breath and grabbed a piece of parchment, she had forgotten to write to her father, for the first time. She had been so busy lately.... she began to scribble down somethings....



I have wrote to you to remind you I am doing perfectly fine, all is well. You need not worry about me even in these times. I have found a fondness for a student even when the school hasn't started. Yes, I know what you are thinking, yes, Minerva has been keeping an eye on me, even if she does be bothersome at times. I will be very busy I remind you, so I may not write back right away.

Best wishes,

Elladora Mcgonagall

She signed her name and attached the parchment with a string to Her owl's leg. "Thank you, Astrid." She said to the owl and decided to pick out her dress robes for this evening.

She had always favored the color red, preferably dark red. Most of her wardrobe seamed to consist of many shades of red, some dark then others, light. She spotted a dark rouge dress with sleeves that went to her middle finger in a triangle shape. Her favorite dress, given to her by her father on her last birthday. She put on her favorite red cloak, brought in diagon alley , her brother had enchanted it to make her a bright yellow a time ago.. She sighed at how much she missed those memories. She of course disenchanted it easily much to his dislikeing.

It was about five minutes to the welcoming feast and she made her way down the halls quickly, wanting to be early. How embarrassing would it be for her to be late to the welcoming feast? Luckily she arrived just a minute before the feast started. She cursed at herself under her breath when the only open seat was between Lockhart and Snape. She went to the empty seat, prompting a glare from Severus and a smile from Lockhart. She finally sat down just as the sorting started and names started being called. She smiled at every gryffindor student added to her own house.

When all the students where sorted, Dumbledore made his usual speech about not going into the forest and the rules. During this speech Elladora glanced at her favorite student, Rin Faircastle and shared a small moment. She saw her turn to talk with her friends, then all of them turned to look at her, she turned away from the bright eyed slytherins.

Lions LearnOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora