Chapter 1

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Hello, my name is Avery Johnson. I'm currently a junior that attends Johnson High School. What a coincidence. I have always been a perfect little angel; I get good grades, perfect attendance, and I'm captain of the softball team. My life started to go downhill though as my mother passed away from a crucial car accident. It hit my dad and I really hard. We have always loved her and always will. However, this tragedy affected my household. My dad started to become more strict and he would say I wasn't doing good enough. I try so hard but I can't do it anymore. I can't.



Today is the day I come back to school after my mother's death. At least it happened over a break so I had time to process it all. It still hurts to think about it and I still break down at the memory.

"You are going to go back and get good grades. You will never get anywhere if you don't get A's in all of your cl-" My dad rambles before I cut him off.

"I know dad, I'll try my best." I say in a low voice.

"Trying isn't going to get you anywhere. You need to DO your best, not try. What future are you going to have if you just try?"

I hate waking up to his daily lecture of getting good grades. He expects too much from me. I'm just a teenager and I need to live my life. All he is doing is adding more stress to my life and it doesn't sit well with my mom's death. My mother would never pressure me this much. She just wanted to know I was trying my best and she was fine with that. Why couldn't my dad be like that? As he goes on and on about grades, I just stare at the bowl of cereal I'm eating. Finally he is done.

"Be safe on the road." He says before I exit the door.

"I will." I reply softly.

I started driving a month ago. Driving scares the hell out of me now after seeing what happened to my mother; I drive so carefully now.

When I enter the car, the radio instantly turns on and fills my ears with music. The drive to my school isn't that long. I don't even know why I drive to school when I can just walk but my dad makes me. He doesn't want me to walk back and forth to school as he believes it not safe. I hate how he treats me like a little child. If anything I should be walking instead of driving after witnessing my mother's fatality. I'm pretty sure walking is safer than driving. I park my car in the lot in front of my school. I dreaded school but I had to go to be a 'perfect' daughter.

I rarely have a lot of friends at school. I just have the girls on my softball team and my best friend Cammie. Cammie has always been beautiful and all the guys drool over her but she would rather hang with me. I don't really know why when she can totally be popular but she chooses me. I don't really need a lot of friends though because I know Cammie will always be there for me. Cammie was the only person I went to when my mom died. She would comfort me and I'm so thankful I had her in that period of my life.

Once I'm in the halls, I spot Cammie next to my locker.

"Hey Avery!" She shouts while pulling me into a warm hug.

"Hi Cam." I reply.

We catch up about what I have done the rest of the break since I practically ignored the world after the death. While I'm in the middle of the conversation, I'm nudged in the shoulder by Luke causing all my books to fall.

Luke was very known around the halls of Johnson High. He was the bad boy but everyone loved him. I was always invisible so I was surprised when he actually said something to me.

"Sorry about that." He says while going down to help me pick up my books.

It was one of those cliche moments that you see in the movies. It was really weird that bad boy Luke was helping me pick up my books even though I used to be invisible in his eyes. Why the sudden change in his actions?

"Uh, it's o-okay." I accidentally stutter as he hands me the books he picked up from the hall floors.

"See you around." He smiles before disappearing in the crowd of bodies making way to class.

"Well, that's not something that happens everyday." Cammie breaks the silence.

"Yeah. That's really weird." I reply.

"Let's go to class before we are late." She says while pulling my arm towards the direction we have to walk to class.

A/N: HOOOLLLLLLLLLAAAAAAAA LOVELIES! I just started this teen fic and yeeeeeaaaaaahhhhh. PLEASE vote and comment because I would really love to hear your feedback! Love you guys! I think you guys will really like this story or at least I hope.. its gunna get SO much better! Pinky promise. :)

Sorry Dad. (Luke Hemmings Fan Fiction)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt