.In The Dark.

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I was in a dark, moonlit room with one window, the bedroom from my dreams I had grown used to seeing, only this time there was a man standing in the far corner starring straight at me. He had red, menacing eyes, a blood splattered face and spiky hair the color of obsidian. It seemed as though wet, black ink was dripping from his arms. He was wearing all black except for a cuboid like pendant that glew (sp?) a faint red. I recognised him from somewhere but I couldn't quite put a finger on it...
He just stared at me. I looked down at my feet trying to avoid his eyes, his gaze still burning into me. I looked back up to see he had vanished. A cold wind blew on my neck and I heard a muffled whisper ring out. I turned my head to see he was there right beside me. He whispered again but this time I could hear it. "Hello Jack" The figure hissed into my ear.
"W-who are you?" I stuttered. I tried to look away, but I couldn't. All I could see where his eyes. His eyes....
"Oh Jack, you don't remember me do you?" He spoke in a cold tone.
Another gust of cold wind blew in from the window, making me shiver. "N-no." I said so quietly it was barely a whisper. I felt a sharp pain in my chest.
Then I woke up...

Hey! Sorry for such a short chapter and the shittyness of the description but i tried. lol

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