Chapter 38- Santa's Lap Dance Experience

Start from the beginning

"Thanks Santa!" He smiled running over to his mum asking her if she was Santa.

"Next!" One of the elves shouted.

"Yay!" A really deep voice shouted. About 20 tonnes of weight landed on my lap and I almost shouted out in shock. How big was this freaking kid?!

Whn I looked at who wa on my lap I bit my lip in anger.

"Caleb! Get off of me!" I hissed at him.

"No Santa I've been a good boy this year can I get a..." Caleb said tapping his chin in deep thought.

"You haven't been a good boy!" I whispered. Caleb started to wriggle around on my lap and I was about to push him off before I realised that the kids probably wouldn't want to see Santa beating the crap out of someone. Caleb continued to be an asshole and wriggled around on my lap some more. "What are you even doing?" I asked trying to contain my anger.

"Giving you a lap dance!" Caleb said in a falsetto voice.

"Get off of me right now!" I all but shouted. James came over with the rest of the elves and dragged Caleb away.

"I just wanted to have fun!" Caleb shouted dramatically while they dragged him away.

"Your my brother you can't do that to me!" I shouted after him.

"I can if I want!" He shouted trying not to laugh.

About 15 kids later my shift was over and I'm pretty sure about 5 of them had peed on me. I ran to the girls toilets. I quickly stripped off my Santa costume and chucked on my clothes.

"Holy shit there's a girl in the guys toilet! And she just stripped!" Someone whispered fom behind me. I turned slowly to face them and was about to attack them when I realised that there aren't supposed to be urinals in the girls bathroom.

"Did you just see me strip?" I asked slowly.

"Yes." One of them answered smiling happily. The two guys looked at each other before high fiving the other and then they rubbed their hands on each other since they realised that they had dirty hands.

"If you tell anyone about this I will rip both your dicks off and shove them in each others mouth!" I threatened before walking out of the guys toilets.

"Why were you in the boys bathroom?" Caleb's voice sounded from behind me. I spun around as soon as I heard his voice.

"Accidents happen." I shrugged.

"Well guess who I found?" Caleb sang.

"Parker." I answered.

"How... Ho- how did you guess that?" Caleb asked sounding shocked.

"I realised something a week ago. Parker seems to always show up at the most convenient of times and it creeps the shit out of me. It's like he has some kind of annoying ability that just annoys the fuck out of me beca-" I was interrupted by Parker.

"Okay I get it!" He shouted.

"Your like exactly like a book character you know that this has probably happened in lots of books like the guy just popping up at the girls most needed times and shit." I told him and he glare at me.

"I am one of a kind!" He flipped his hair.

"HIPSTER!" I shouted in a really high pitched voice.

"Shut up!" Parker pouted. I smiled at him and he narrowed his eyes at me. "Is there something wrong with you?" Parker asked and I shrugged skipping ahead.

"There is something wrong with her." Caleb tried to whisper but he doesn't know how.

"Says the one who tried to give his sister a lap dance!" I shouted over my shoulder.

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