Jaybird's in the Mountain

Start from the beginning

She sat me on a big green couch.

"Does the TV get any signal?" I asked, knowing I'd get bored without anything to do.

She looked at the TV and groaned grabbing a remote. She started punching buttons. "Someone really needs to teach Conner how to use this thing," she muttered to herself.

I smirked a little.

"Here," she handed the remote to me and showed me how to look through the channels. "There's about three hundred channels, I'd advise you to stay away from two-fourty-seven, there's snacks and drinks in the kitchen, and there's a bathroom down that hall," she pointed to a hallway.

"Okay, thanks Black Canary," I said throwing my feet onto the couch.

She nodded, grabbed a blanket and handed it to me, "In case you get cold."

I grabbed the blanket and threw it over the back of the couch, "Maybe later."

She walked into the doorway, stopped, and turned looking at me, frowning. I offered her a smile, but she didn't return it. I bit my lip, scared she was mad. She seemed to be studying me.

"I promise," I said. "I know it doesnt seem like it, but I'm Robin's brother, he can vouch for me!"

She sighed, then left.

*One hour later*

I groaned, boredom starting to kill me. I was wrapped up in the blanket BC gave me, I started freezing, so I curled up and layed down, my head laying on the armrest.

I threw the blanket over my head, my face felt ice cold in the warmth of the blanket.

Suddenly I heard voices down a hall. "Oh come on Wally, it was fun!" I heard a girl say.

"Fun, we didn't do anything! We just listened as the men screamed at eachother, that wasn't worth that hour and a half!" I assumed that was Wally.

The voices were now in the room. I tensed nervous about getting in trouble, since I didn't hear Robin at all.

"Ow!" I yelped when someone sat on me, "Get off, your butt feels like a bag of bricks!"

"What the heck?" Someone said and yanked the blanket off me. I froze seeing the face of the -furious looking- Superboy, "Who are you!?" He grabbed my shirt collar.

"Conner, don't hurt him!" A blonde girl snapped.

"LET ME GO!" I shouted, scared.

I saw only five teens, none of them Robin.

"Who ARE you!?" Superboy repeated.

"Dude, Chill!" Wally yelled.

Robin ran into the room and slid to a stop. "ROBIN HELP!!!"

A kid, who I assumed was Aqualad, looked at Robin and asked him, "You know him?"

"Conner please, let the boy go!" A girl with green skin cried. She seemed more scared than me.

"No! Who are you?" Conner said again.

"I-I'm..." I croaked, unable to finish, with fear tying up my tongue.

"He's not a threat!" Robin said grabbing Conner's elbow. "Let him go...or else!"

Conner didn't let go.

"Fine," Robin said stepping back. My fear was now pointed toward him.

He wouldn't let him hurt me, would he!?

Robin walked to the center of the room and finished his sentence, "But you asked for this..."

Robin reached into his belt and pulled out a rebreather and a handful of something. He pinched his nose, our secret sign for, "Hold your breath."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2016 ⏰

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