What a dare

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         "So how we doin with hacking the security system"Carl asked as him and Jessica sped from building top to building top.

     "It's kinda hard to do it while running,but i did get the main entrance cam though-"Carl signaled her to proceed."We got only four guards there,but I saw some weird red thing fly by a minute ago,probably just a glitch."Jess replied while stuttering a bit because of running.


         Jess and Carl finally jumped off of a navy blue building only three stories high.Once they were off they stopped in their tracks,staring at the  brightest building they've seen.It was lit with a milky white color,and in each corner of the building was a black surface.

     "We going or not,fatty?"Jess asked teasingly.

      "You better keep your pretty mouth shut.".

      The two walked in the building  quietly.It was hard to stay hidden,that's for sure.The building wasn't just lit up on the outside but in the inside too!Damn,things have to be so bright now a days.They walked quietly until they stopped seeing four guards in one room.

     "You need help,little girl?"Carl asked teasingly and quiet to Jessica.

      "You haven't seen a damn thing Lucas Cage."

        Carl quietly laughed to himself thinking if Jess was actually  stronger than him.But when he looked up he didn't see Jessica.He looked up only to see her fighting off the guards.In a swift move,Jessica was sitting on the front of one of the guards shoulders then swung down to the left only to make the guard trip and crash into another guard making one crack their head open and the other get knocked out.

      "Your turn."Jessica yelled over to Carl.In about another minute Carl knocked out the last two guards.They walked into a dark but neon blue room,and it.Was.Gigantic.It was almost like an electric ballroom,except this room contained guns,knives,grenades,and a lot more.*Clank*,the two turned their heads to try to confront the noise.Carl grabbed the grenade which he new only made smoke.He dropped it and the smoke came out.

      "Stay behind me so whatever the heck that was won't see you.You see that small pillar holdin those jewels?-"Jess nodded."When we pass that,get behind it and take em."After that quick instruction they ran,so Jess ran behind the pillar.She waited for a fight to begin,so whoever was there wouldn't notice her.

     "Come and fight me!"Carl yelled where he now saw the shadow of the figure.All
of a sudden a man came out in a red suit with small devil horns at the head and went from black back to red on the upper chest area of the suit.The fight began.As they fought,Jessica took the jewel,but before she could sneak up in the guy he caught her with a thick black rope right around the neck.Thankfully,Jess slid the jewels into her pocket before he could come and get them.

      "And who the hell are you?"She asked with a small croak from being choked.

    "My name,is Matt Murdock,you bi-"before he could cuss to her,Carl hit him in the gut,leading Matt's attention to Carl.

     "How 'bout a truce?"Carl asked like he was bidding.

"What do you mean?"Matt asked him sounding a bit annoyed.

    "If we stop,you come with us and split the jewels,maybe even come to a party to spend it,how 'bout that?"Carl asked him probably desperate for a truce.

    "*sigh*,fine."Matt replied rolling his eyes.

     "Ooh,a killing trio,that's pretty damn cool!"Jessica cut in.Carl and Matt looked at her.

               "Well,lets go boys"

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