Mistakes in trust

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As I reach the beauty store I see Trever sitting in one of the massage chairs starring blankly at his math book. "Hello." I wave.
"Oh hey!" He stands up and greets me with a warm smile. "I wasn't sure if you would come."
"Of course I would. I would never stand anybody up." I say confused. Maybe he remembers the kiss and thought I didn't want to come. Which I really didn't but I did because I'm a nice person.

"It's just I thought you wouldn't because in fifth grade-" he looks up and is about to say the words when I cut him off.
"No I'm here." I smile trying to get him to forget this topic.
"Great! How are you with algebra?" He laughs.
"Let's just say I can find his x." I giggle.

"Thanks so much again Lil." He says after we finish his homework.
"It's my pleasure." I reply. "But why didn't you ask one of your team mates to help you?"
"Uh because-" he freezes and just smiles. "Hey Hunter!"
I turn around to see Hunter and some of the football players walking up to us. That jerk set me up! "I have to get going." I pick up my bag. "Goodbye Trever."
"Hi Lil," Hunter smiles as I walk pass him. "Have you thought about the ball anymore?"
I just roll my eyes and continue walking.

As I reach the exit I hear someone chasing after me. "Lil wait up!" Hunter calls out.
I finally stop and wait for him.
"Thanks. So did you get my flowers?" He eyes twinkle.
"Yes. But I'm afraid my answer hasn't changed." I look down so I can avoid eye contact.
"You don't have to be afraid," does he not get a metaphor? "Just say you'll go!"
"I'm sorry Hunter but I'm not going. And even if I were in not going with you." I look up a little to his face annoyed.

"Yo Forer!" I hear someone yell.  I turn my head to see my big brother Dan standing by his motorcycle. Dan's in the military so I don't see him offend. But when I do he always make a entrance. After he goes to see mom and Ken. "Want a ride I brought your car to your house." He refers to our house as my house because he's barely there.

"Why not?" I shrug. Before I can start walking Hunter grabs my arm and spins me around.
"Is this why you won't go with me? Because you have a boyfriend."
"No! Ew!" I make a face. "That's my brother. He's not around much because he's in the military."
"Oh wow." His eyes become more calm.

"So is that Hunter?" Dan asks on our way home.
"Mom told you didn't she?" I sigh.
"No I read the card and then asked mom." He laughs.
"Does anyone respect privacy?" I ask punching him in leg playfully.
"You're seriously not going to the dance?" He questioned.
"I don't dance." I mutter.
"You mean you don't dance with guys besides me, Ken, and Finik." He reassures me.
"Exactly!" I confess. "Plus I kinda like someone else."

"Trever?" He laughs.
"Shut up!" I yell. Wait how does he know about Trever?
"It's ok I already know. And I know about the kiss too!" His voice is giggling.
"You read my diary!" I gasp.
"Maybe," he spreads out the word. "It's only to make sure I didn't leave my baby sister to rot in a corner."
"Yea yea. So what if I do like Trever? And Hunter is up to something." My eyes turn to the open road.
"Up to what?" He slows down the bike as we reach the house. "What's he going to do Lil?!"

His eyes look like there's fire inside of them.
"I don't know but I know him and he wouldn't ever ask me out unless there's a reason." I get off the bike and start heading inside.
"I swear if he hurts you physical or emotional I'll hurt his face!" He shouts after me.
"I know and I love you for that." I blow him a kiss and walk inside.

"So how long are you know for?" Ken asks Dan.
"About four weeks." Dan says reaching for more beans.
"Oh good!" Mom claps her hands. "Lil's ball is in five days you can bring her."
"Sure," he nudges me. "I'd love to!"
"Ugh!" I rest my head on the table.
"Ruff day sweets?" Ken asks.
"Yea." I nod.
"Why?" I could sense a hint of laughter from Dan.
"Your a guy right?" I ask pulling me head up. "If you asked out a unpopular and average wallflower what would be the reason?"
"Hey I'm a guy too!" Dan frowns.
"Well," Ken says. "Probably because of a dare. Why?"

I just look at him and his face turns upset.
"Oh." He looks down at his plate. "Is he at least a nice guy?"
"He's a bad boy." I frown.
"Why don't you go with your brother? He can be your date." His face lights up with excitement. He isn't in favor of me getting my heart broken by a bad boy.
"I would but I don't wanna go with a girl." I laugh.
"Ouch!" Dan smirks clutching his chest. "That hurt man!"
"I'm so glad you're back Danny!" Mom smiles.
"Me too mom." Dan says looking at me with evil eyes.

"Just to be clear Danny if you do go to the ball we are taking a car," I look at him. "Understand?"
"So you're going?" He says. We're in the basement playing Modern Warfare.
"Maybe," I reply. I'm currently running after him with a M150. "But what if Hunter knows it's me? Or if I see the guy I like in a really hot tux?"
"Number one no boyfriends. Number two no hot tuxes." He grunts.
"Number three you don't get to tell me what to do." I shoot him in the chest. "Boom eight hundred points! I win."

"I don't mean you can't have a boyfriend. I just mean I have to like him." He nudges me.
"So I have to introduce you to the guy I like?" I laugh.
"Just say Trever. I know it's him." He rolls his eyes.
"I'm still pissed you read my diary!" I punch him in the shoulder.
"Aww but you love me anyway!" He snickers.

Ding dong!

The door rings. I place down my controller and head upstairs with Dan right behind me. I head over to the door and open it. And to my surprise Hunter is standing there with Trever by his side. "Hi Lil!" Hunter smiles.
"Hi!" Dan walks next to me. "You must be Hunter." I think I made a huge mistake in trusting him with my thoughts about Hunter asking me out on a prank or a dare.
"Yea it's nice to meet you." Hunter extends his hand.
Dan just looks at it and shoos it off. "Do me a favor k?" Hunter and Trever gulp. "If I find out you hurt my baby sister make sure you have a funeral set up for you. Okay?"

I smack my head and walk out the door.
"Where are you going?" Dans yells after me.
"CATP be back later." CATP means comfort and thinking place. It's really just a tree me and Dan found a couple years back when dad was still around. We used to go there and talk about how we felt.
"Be safe!" He shouts again.

"So you're going to the middle of the woods?" I jump and fall down not knowing someone was following me. I look up and see Trever standing above me. He's laughing and holds out a hand for me. "You ok?"
"I'll mange," I say standing up. "Are you following me?"
"Well I can't let you go out alone. Certainly not when you're upset!" He says genuinely.
Before I even start to feel a blush coming I look down. "I'm fine. But thank you Trever." I start to walk away when he tugs my hand.
"I kinda feel like you're avoiding the subject of what happened in fifth grade." He says pulling me towards him.

"Why would I be doing that?" I look back at him.
"Because when I was about to say it in the mall you stopped me. And after I brought it up you never meet my eyes." He tries to move my head so I would look at him but I kept moving my eyes.
"I just don't want to express what occurred that day." I tell him honestly. I might have left out the fact that I have a huge crush on him and blush whenever he tries to be sweet.
"Ok then answer me this," he starts. "Why did you leave when Hunter came up to us?"

I stood there in silence before starting up again. "I didn't want to speak with him. And why exactly did he know where we were?"
"What do you mean?" He starched the back or his neck. "He was just walking through the mall."
"Trever we were outside a beauty store." I sigh.
"Fine," he meets my eyes. "I didn't overly need help with math. But I knew he wanted to talk with you so I told him since I knew you well enough. I would get you to hang out so he can come and talk with you. And I knew you would come because since the day I'm fifth grade I haven't really spoken to you. So you would think it was important and come. You would also come because you remembered the kiss!"

I looked away and just started to walk. "I told you I didn't want to speak of that day."
"Too bad!" He growled. "It happened and it's not going to be undone. So you can face up to it or you can run and hide like the loser you are!"
I stopped dead in my tracks and felt a small trickle of a tear fall from my cheek. "Lil?" Trever starts walking up to me. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"How else could you have meant it?" I frown. "I get it ok you're popular and not afraid of what others think. But whenever you see me you remember that day and how you kissed a loser who will be nothing and it haunts you because you're scared that I'll tell someone and ruin your publicity!" I say. My voice is shaky. "But don't worry I'm not telling anyone."

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