Fukira shifted uncomfortably, no doubt seeing what Zelda was seeing, then turned her head up to look at the goddess reborn sitting next to her. "I'm sorry this had to happen."

"Don't apologize," Zelda said. "And I told Link about her. Finally."

"Do you two have an idea about what you can do to get the Element back?"

Zelda finally looked down to meet Fukira's beady, scarlet eyes. "He said that if we could get Ghirahim back, then he could either have it or tell us where it is. I think it's a good idea, but we can't do it without knowing what the situation is."

"The situation?" Fukira tilted her head. "What do you mean?"

"If Loria hasn't made a bond with him, then all we have to do is take him. But if she has...then I don't know how we're gonna break the bond."


Zelda paused, then proceeded to explain sword spirits as briefly as possible to Fukira. She could hardly focus on the Minish; blood loss, exertion, and sleep deprivation were taking their toll on her body.

Once she was done, Fukira nodded. "An odd idea of yours, I must say. But if that demon isn't the only sword spirit, then wouldn't this have occurred with another one?"

Zelda shrugged. "The only other existing sword spirit is Fi, and she's gone now. I don't think this happened with her."

"Did such a thing occur with Fi?"

"I told you, n--"

"Think, Zelda. You have a thousand years of memories in that head of yours; you are bound to forget something for a few moments."

And she did. Zelda thought so hard that she didn't notice as she laid back, too tired to care about the steps digging into her back. Her eyes slipped closed as she thought, too exhausted to think too deeply.

Just as she was beginning to slip into the clutches of sleep... Along your travels you have found wisdom, power, and courage, and for this I shall bless your sword with the goddess's power. 

She recalled Link's rough and bleeding hands resting in her own, how roughed-up they both most likely appeared as she closed her eyes and uttered those words.

She remembered how Link's sword had lit up when he pulled it out of its sheath, and that light stirred another memory from the time when she'd been Hylia, forming this plan, and she knew what was going to happen.

The bond that she'd had with Fi had broken then; Link became the only one that could wield the sword. The servant of the goddess had become the servant of the hero.

Zelda sat up, eyes wide, then she looked at Fukira, who blinked curiously.

"Yeah," she said finally.

Fukira smiled. "Do you remember how it happened?"

"All I know is that after I blessed the sword and it reached its true form, only Link could use it. Before it was bonded with me as well--"

"So just help Ghirahim reach his true form—"

"But Fi was intended for Link, just like Ghirahim was intended for Demise. If we make the sword reach its true form, Link might not even be able to touch it."

Fukira frowned. This was going to be a difficult task. Quickly, however, she came up with another idea. "What if we changed the sword's magical properties?"

Zelda frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Remake the sword so that it's not intended for Demise."

Zelda creased her brow. "That sounds risky. And how would we do that anyway?"

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