Prologue & Introduction

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{Sarah's P.O.V}
It was another ordinary day, get up at the crack of dawn, get dressed, straighten hair, throw on boots and head back to my room to just sit on my laptop bored to hell, maybe turn on some music softly... You see I've moved for the seventh time into a new house. I'm still going to my same school thank god, but when your fifteen going on sixteen and you have to adjust to a new home over and over again, you get sick of it; But back talking my parents or whatever you want to call them, was the last thing on my list. I think out of all our neighbors the one on our right would be the noisiest since we now live next to a school player who loves his motorcycle. I jumped up from my bed throwing on my book bag and rushed out the door! I walked down to the designated bus stop and stood there. It was a chilly fall morning; I was wearing black boots, black skinny jeans held up with a belt, black owl city T-shirt with my white hoodie thrown over it, my long light brown hair pulled back into a ponytail, and my emo bangs down at my face; or at least some of what I cut into my emo bangs. Anyway, I pulled out my phone and plugged in my earbuds, listening to music. My neighbor seemed lively today as his engine roared and he zoomed down the road with his friend right behind him, I got on the bus with only one thought 'Another day in hell...' 

{Third P.O.V}
Dustin Stone was the "Bad boy" of west view high, him and his gang of friends which consisted of Micheal Anderson, Parker Hum, Alexander Anderson, Johnathan Reel, and Derek Stone. It was a warm sunny afternoon, Dustin's dad was at work, and his mom died a few years back, his little sister was in her room playing dolls with a friend, and Dustin and his friends were just hanging out in his room, Johnathan was complaining about Jess and her mood swings, while Alexander was complaining because he missed Loretta, and then the engine of a truck was heard, the boys all looked out the window as the moving truck pulled up to the curb in front of the old house next door, A smallish car pulled up behind and A tall boy with muscles, and dirty blonde hair, wearing a muscle shirt, some jeans, and a belt stepped out and stretched. A red haired man that was shorter in stature, and wore a plaid button up shirt tucked into Kackies, and wore those business shoes, a woman with light blonde hair stepped out of the passenger seat, she wore a knee length skirt, along with a tank top. And then a girl from the back stepped out, her light brown hair flowed in a pony tail, and her bangs hung in her face but held back from her eye by her big black glasses, she had black headphones with skulls on, she wore a black hoodie, some blue jeans with some rips, and a black belt. she grabbed a black bag and slung it on her shoulder, and her and the boy from before took off into the house, the girl slammed open the door to the room closest to Dustin's house, and slammed it shut, she set her bag down on the empty mattress and went back out the door putting something on the door, and started grabbing boxes with the name "SARAH'S" in big letters, she picked up one box and had to adjust it into her arms to carry it in, once she had about thirteen boxes in her room she started to unpack, she pulled out cases and mini boxes with designs on it and started to organize, Dustin and the boys lost interest in watching the neighbors after they saw the girl enter that one room. So the boys were back on the floor enjoying their last week of summer...

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