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aye sorry for the absence, ive been pretty stressed out. i also got Skyrim Remastered and ive been glued to it XD

:: I jerked awake by a bump the APC drove over. Truce was playing in my earbuds, and I wanted to fall back asleep to Tyler's soft voice when suddenly, "We'll be in Seattle in about 10 minutes Ruby." A deep, gruff voice sounded from the driver of the vehicle. 

"Well, no point in going back to sleep," I muttered. 

We trudged along the rode some more, the Washington wilderness passing by, and the trees waving to me sadly, like they new that something was wrong.  Having been living in a giant concrete tomb all my life made the trees and the birds a sight for sore eyes. The sun was getting pretty low, and flickered in and out of the trees as we drove.

About ten minutes later, the trees started to thin and we were suddenly driving along a bridge. Seattle loomed over-head, its buildings welcoming. From here, everything looked so calm in Seattle, like nothing bad was happening. But sadly, I knew. I knew that there were three dangerous bio-terrorists in that city that maybe doing God-knows-what. Just the thought of them possibly harming people made me cringe. 

Once the bridge ended, I saw a giant fortress made of metal, and dozens of DUP troops standing around. The driver parked the APC and then he got out to open the doors for me. I hopped out and stretched, the long drive made my legs sore from sitting. The air here was pure and sharp, but not the bad sharp you get at Curdun Cay, where the air is so cold there it hurts to breath.

I'm loving this place already, I thought 

"Miss Ruby, come with me please." The man that drove my APC led me over to another APC.

"You will be transferred to another base further into the city," he said. "I need to head back to Curdun Cay to deliver more troops here, stay safe for me."

"Thank you," I said. I hopped into the next APC and closed the doors.

After a short drive we arrived at another DUP station. This one looked similar to the first one, but it wasn't as big. It had two big metal towers with men standing on them, and underneath the towers was a place where cars could drive under. Nearby was a bunk, where a assumed the men slept. 

We stopped right outside the bunk and someone abruptly opened the back doors. It wasn't the driver that opened them, but a plump lady that had a mouth that looked like a toad. You would think that Dolores Umbridge from Harry Potter came into the real world!

"I am Beatrix Hines, commander of this DUP  checkpoint, but you will address me as Commander Hines, do I make myself clear soldier?" Her gruffy voice gave me chills, and her eyes narrowed dangerously. 

"Yes Commander Hines!" I tried to sound confident, but my voice shook a bit, and she knew, because she smiled. Oh God, it was an awful smile!  It wasn't even a smile but an evil smirk. I knew I was going to have trouble with her in the future.

"Well get your ass up soldier and get your things into your bunk, you have a busy day tomorrow," Commander Hines said

I grabbed my things and hopped out of the APC. Commander Hines was at least a foot taller than me, making her even more intimidating. She directed me into the bunk and to a bed at the far end to the right. Then I set my things down.

Commander Hines suddenly grabbed my throat and pushed me against the wall, making the air escape my lungs. 

"Look," she said in that stupid gruff voice, "You may be Augustine's star student at Curdun Cay, but here, you're nothing than a regular soldier down here where I'm in charge. You're not getting the special treatment here, cause all I'm giving you is hell, do I make myself clear?"

Her face was dangerously close to mine, so close that I could see the fire in her eyes.

"Yes ma'am," I struggled to say, since Hines was pretty much joking me.

"Good," she said, and she let me go.

I gasped for that clean Seattle air, but in here, near commander Hines, the air didn't seem as pure. 

"See you bright and early tomorrow new meat," Hines snarled, and she spit dangerously close to my foot. 

As she walked away I glared at her back, doing it like the way Augustine does to soldiers who don't  behave. Oh, I was going to show her, I was going to show them all that I'm not a regular soldier. Hines is going to regret starting a fight with me.::

QOTC: what is your favorite video game?

i love all video games, but i reeeaaallly love skyrim and dragon age. i love video games with great stories and content :3

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