To the kid

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To the kid that sits in school everyday,
Who is so alone,
Who just kinda blends in with the crowd,
Who doesn't speak up.

To the kid who sits on the bus,
Head phones in,
Bag clutched tightly to them,
In fear of the bullies taking it.

To the kid who's got scars up their wrist.
You might not feel it,
But people care.

To the kid who has to go home,
Home to an abusive parent.
Scared to tell anyone about the broken arm,
Swollen eye,
Or new bruises.

To the kid who's adopted,
Your parents might not have loved you,
But these ones will.

To the kid who's just been left in the system,
Who is seamed hopeless,
Who's most unlikely to be adopted.

To the kid who's parents or siblings have died,
Your missing them but you still have the rest left.

To the kid who suffers in silence,
Who 'wears all black',
Who's 'attention seeking',
Who 'just has the look'.

To the kid who's bullied.
Not just in the odd occasion but everyday.

To the kid who feels worthless.
Who feels less f a human.

To the kid who's always compared to another sibling,
Who here the 'why can't you be more like them' on a regular basis.

To the kid who's just 'acting out'
To the kid who lays awake at night over thinking.
To the kid who's mine just can't stop.
Do you know what screw it.

I'm talking to every boy,
Every girl,
Every teen,
Every toddler,
Every baby.

Your all beautiful,
Full of life,
Over all amazing.

Please keep this in mind through out your lives.

I know I didn't mention adults there because I think it's more important to talk to the adults solely on there own.

Adults are important,
They have certain responsibilities,
Lots of things to stress about,
To many things to worry about,
And all the fear that comes with every thought.

Once you've become an adult,
Remember that you are valued,
Your important,
Try not to snap at everyone and anyone, cause once you do you can't take it back,
Try not to worry about everything single thing,
Don't feed into your fear, let it just evaporate,
Take time for you.

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