What if The Potters weren't killed by Voldemort?

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A hooded figure skulks the city, stopping at every house, as if scanning the occupants, before continuing his dark journey. He reaches the fifth house on the street, and attempts the same thing that he has done on every house so far. Although, this time, he doesn't carry on. He emerges a bony hand, and with a flick of the wrist, the door fly's off the hinge, and crashes to the floor. A small whimper was heard from the front room, and a small, mousy boy runs from the front room, and up the staircase.

The hooded figure strides up to the door, and glances at its surroundings. On the mantelpiece in the hallway, stands a picture of four young men, standing proud with beaming smiles on their faces. One man on the far right, the owner of the house, almost seems to notice the hooded figure, but of course that's impossible. The hooded figure starts to climb the staircase, gripping the banister for support, but of course he doesn't need support. The dark lord needs support for nothing.

Voldemort emerges onto the landing and strides into a scarcely decorated bedroom. A small man hides in the corner, whimpering for his life.

"Peter Pettigrew..." a rasping voice emerges from the cloak, that the dark lord is wearing. "You will tell me where Lily and James Potter is, and you shall live..." Peter looks as if he is about to give in, but then changes his mind, and stands straight.

"I would rather d-d-die" Peter says in his most commanding voice.

"So be it..." A flash of green light emerges from the yew wand, and Peter falls to the ground, dead. The body of Peter almost seems to be smiling. He had died. But he had died saving the lives of all those he held dear. He had been brave.

September First, 1991

A small, speckled boy runs between several people, navigating between piles of luggage and several very, angry people. Shouts of "Hey you," and "Owwww," sounded from across the entirety of Platform 9 ¾. Harry ducked between a very angry Irish witch, before finally arriving at the family of the Weasley's.

"Alright, Harry?" Harry's friend Ron asked him.

"Yeah, I'm great, I can't believe that I'm finally going to Hogwarts!"

"I know, I'm really excited!" Ron enthusiastically replied.

"Harry, get back here" shouted a woman, known to all as Lily Potter. Her and her husband James emerged from the hustle of people, along with Harry's luggage and his owl, Maximillian. A small girl also emerged from behind Lily and James, and jumped on Harry's back.

"I wanna go, I wanna go!" Shouted Harry's younger sister, Zoe.

"Oh, get off" Harry groaned at his incredibly annoying sister.

Zoe then noticed Ginny, and immediately ran to go talk with her.

The Potter's were happy. But Voldemort was still somewhere out there. As he hadn't killed the Potter's, his curse hadn't backfired, and he wouldn't have gone into hiding. As much as Dumbledore and the rest of the Hogwarts staff tried, they couldn't stop him from posing a threat to the wizarding world. Perhaps, it may have been better for the world, had the Potter's died, but that just a matter of interpretation.

But none of that so much as crossed young Harry's mind, as he stepped onto the Hogwarts train, and awaited the adventures that would befall him.

A/N: Yay, a new story! I'm really proud with this, especially the part with Peter standing up to Voldemort. I'm welcome for suggestions for other chapters in this story, and have a good day!


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