Happily Ever After

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You do as he says and look in the bag moving the rest if the chips

"W-well? See anything?" Seven says nervously covering his eyes

"Not yet.."

You keep moving the chips till you see a small glimmer in the bag

"S-seven.. i-is this?.."

Seven stands up slowly and opens his lips letting out his words in a soft and sweet tone "(Y/N)... will you be my life partner.. will you stand by my side until the end... will you marry me?"

You cover your mouth with one hand taking out the ring and letting out a few tears

"Yes Saeyoung!!! I'll marry you!!" You put the ring on your ring finger and tackle him to the ground smothering him in kisses

"I'm glad you said yes (Y/N)..." He kisses you softly before standing up

•~A Few Days Later~•

"(Y/N) do you take Saeyoung Choi to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do" you say staring into Saeyoung's eyes

"Saeyoung Choi.. do you take (Y/N) to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

"I do.." He stares back at you

"I now pronounce you Husband and Wife.. you may now kiss the Bride"

Zen, Yoosung, Jumin, V and Jaehee all stand up and applaud as Saeyoung kisses you deeply

•~Good End~•

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