Dead Or Alive

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Author's Note : Um Hi everyone this is my first one shot. This one shot is Little Bit Dark so if you don't like Dark Story Pls Stay Away. Anyways Have a good day.


Ash: This is all my fault I gotta save Serena.


Serena that's not what you see!!

So what do I see Ash. Kissing Miette!!!

NO! that's not what you see she kissed me I can't move!!

Hah. You can't freaking move That's Dumb!!!

I'm sorry Serena. Your it's my fault

Don't say sorry it happened and you like it.


Ash I don't want to see you again!!!

Ash hug Serena

Stay with me Serena please. While hugging Serena.

Stop!! Stay away from me you freak leave me alone!!!

Serena slap Ash in face. Oh damn.

Ash we're done!!!

I'm really sorry

Then Serena walk off.

Crap I messed up I'm freaking Dumb why I don't stop Miette

Then Ash Saw a Group of People Picking Up Serena Forcibly in the car.

Serenaaaaa!! Damnit Where did those freaks go!!!

Then he saw a tracks it's Serena's Ribbon rip in shreds.

He followed it..


Shit!! So many guards how do I do this

(End of Flashback)

Ash: Even if this is the end of me.

???: Well look who it is."Ashy Boy"

Ash: Gary shhhh. What are you doing here. Duck your gonna get caught.

Gary: Ye Ye. Who's your watching huh.
Ash: Kidnappers. Serena got kidnap I need weapons to save her. Can you help?

Gary: Yes Here.

Gary handed a Pistol to Ash.

Gary: Hmm don't worry here's some ammo.

Ash: Thanks Gary.

Gary: No need to. I'm gonna call the Police for backup. Go now Ash.

Ash: Yes

Ash finds a cover then shoot the first guy.

The group got allerted

Who's that bastard Find Him And Bring him To Me. NOWW!!!

Ash: Damnit there's so many!!

Then there's someone in his back and Smack him in the head. Ash Got Knocked out.

Ash's POV

Damnit it's really blurry. Where am I?? Where's Serena!!!?

???:Easy Boy She's Alright For Now!!  HAHAHAHAHA!!!.

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