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I dint know what to say after that Shane:"okay umm do you have any friends who know of this addition"? Joey shook his head Shane:"do you want to kill your self? And if yes why would you want to do that"? Joey didn't answer Shane:"Joey"? Joey:yes i want to kill myself! I just don't want to be here"! I feel terrible for him no family, no friends he's just by himself alone sure I do like him but I don't want him to get hurt because of these thoughts I noticed tears falling from his eyes staining his cheeks Shane:"are you okay"? Joey shook his head Joey:"I'm tired of living this way! Every day could be my last I could just cut away my life" Shane:"I'm sorry I really am. Do you have any mental illnesses"? Joey looked down Joey:"I have depression and anxiety" I wrote this down Shane:"one last question. Are you free this weekend"? Joey shrugged Joey:"I don't know why" Shane:"I really like you and I would like to know the real you" Joey looked up Joey:"what? You must be thinking of someone else no one likes me" I blushed Shane:"well I do so do- I mean will you go out with me"? My heart is racing 4000000% faster Joey:"sure i guess" Shane:" so umm tell me more about yourself" Joey shrugged Joey:"I don't know what you would want to know" Shane:"anything about I really really like you Joey so please tell me something" Joey looked up at the selling i put my hand on his cheek he looked into my eyes while I looked into his I pulled him closer and closer then finally we kiss I felt butterflies in my stomach then Joey pushed me away Joey:"I'm sorry I- I ill be right back" he walked into a different room

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