Chapture 2

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When  Halloween was over and everyone had there candy we're in there bed Syo went looking for Ai for he hasn't seen him most of the night for some reason he wondering why I mean he saw glimpse of him but he wasn't sure it was him it could be his sister because he didn't know that Ai was dressed as a girl. Ai was ashamed he couldn't leave his room for full evening only once to peek out see what was Syo was wearing and he look cute witch wasn't surprising cause he always look good in his eyes anyway Ai couldn't get himself out the door he no matter how many times he told himself it's just a stupid holiday everyone look like a fool but still he couldn't get himself out the door. Till Syo went to knock on his room door  " Mikaze - Senpai its me Syo  why don't you come out I never seen your costume it can't be all that bad  just come out and let me see it" Syo said with a sweet smile on his face. "Baka no I can't I am girl that my costume there I told you you don't need to see it I see you tomorrow when this holiday is over Kurusu " he said growing kind of red on his cheeks  Syo smiled he was used to be called a Baka form ai so much it was almost a pet name form him but he kept at for few more minutes cause he really wanted to see what see what Ai look like then he had idea he ran to the girls dorm as fast as he could and ask his sister Syoko for a dress and a wig and she said yes then he changed and went back to the dorm trying to avoid natsuki to best of his ability  cause if he saw him in dress dress as his sister practically he would go nuts and make him play tea party or something unmanly and this is enough for Syo he already in a dress  and it's already bugging him cause people as he walked to Ai dorm are calling him cute.  Few minutes later he was at his door again and he knock Oi Mikaze- Sempai" it's me again look I am girl too your not alone now can I come in and see you I let you see me please".  Ai was impressed that Syo would go to this length for him so he let him in and hug him and said " Arigato  I am sorry that I made you do that I just felt so weird you know  " he gave Syo a kiss and hug again and lucky Syo had some spare clothes at Ai house form last time he was here so after they  were together Syo let some clothes so they both change and felt much better.

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